Recessed carriageable LED luminaire with squa-
red satin front glass and two colour temperatures
available. Ideal for both indoor and outdoor
installations, thanks to the die cast aluminium bo-
dy and the stainless steel AISI 31 6 head (pro-
tection rating IP67). Suitable for pitch marks in
paths, gardens, stairs. The luminaire can be
installed either upside down or side wall or on the
floor (carriageable). It is possible the installation
on flammable surfaces. The installation can be re-
cessed in either floors, ceilings and walls by using
the included dedicated recessed box, see the di-
mensions drawing of the box. Connection by wi-
res, the unit accepts only 24V DC power supply,
recommended power supplies: switching.
Open the shipping carton and verify that all equip-
ment necessary to operate the system has arrived
Refer to the following packing list for information
on what items are included with your model. If any
equipment is missing or damaged, contact your
Arena Luci dealer immediately.
No. 1 unit LED inground ING0008
No. 1 unit Recessed box
Before beginning initial setup of your LED
inground, make sure that there is no evident da-
mage caused by transportation. In the event that
the unit’s housing is damaged, do not plug it in
and do not attempt to use it until after contacting
your Arena Luci dealer for assistance.
The installation can be performed via the included
dedicated recessed box.
A - the connection between the supply cable of the
luminaire and the main DC line should be
performed inside the recessed box using an IP68
rated power connection.
B - the shunt from the main DC line should be
performed using an IP68 rated cast resin joint.
C - the inground box must be placed on a layer of