Its quicker to add the currently playing track to a playlist by pressing and holding the corresponding
number key on the remote. The menu option allows you to do it from the front panel - without the
remote. Tracks are added to the end of the playlist.
This option lets you change a track name. This is most useful if an unknown CD is loaded - no entry
in the album database. In that case the tracks are called track1, track2 and so on.
After renaming you will be able to find the track more easily.
New Text
Editing text on the remote is slightly different and offers a bit more flexibility than the front panel.
Front Panel:
You add letters or delete at the cursor -positioned at the end of the text.
Add letters by turning the main control knob to see the letters then push.
Press Back on the front panel to delete letters and press
Next on the front panel when complete.
You cannot add capitals from the front panel.
You can add or delete letters and move the cursor - so you can change a single letter in the middle of
a track name for instance.
Enter letters on the remote using the numeric keys in the same way as texting on a mobile phone.
(Press the “2” key once for “a”, twice for “b” and so on).
Capital letters appear after the lower case letters on the same key - so keep pressing.
Delete with the Del key on the remote.