NOTE: Proper maintenance of the
ATV is important for optimum per-
formance. Follow the Maintenance
Schedule and all ensuing mainte-
nance instructions/information.
If, at any time, abnormal noises, vibrations,
or improper functioning of any component
of this ATV is detected, DO NOT OPER-
ATE THE ATV. Take the ATV to an autho-
rized Arctic Cat ATV dealer for inspection
and adjustment or repair.
If the owner/operator does not feel qual-
ified to perform any of these mainte-
nance procedures or checks, take the
ATV to an authorized Arctic Cat ATV
dealer for professional service.
NOTE: The following instructions
and information refer to specific
items in the maintenance and care
of the ATV.
NOTE: Debris in front of the
engine or packed between the cool-
ing fins of the radiator can reduce
cooling capability. Using a hose,
wash the radiator to remove any
debris preventing air flow.
The cooling system capacity can be
found in the specifications chart. The
cooling system should be inspected
daily for leakage and damage. If leakage
or damage is detected, take the ATV to
an authorized Arctic Cat ATV dealer for
service. Also, the coolant level should
be checked periodically.
NOTE: High engine RPM, low vehi-
cle speed, or heavy load can raise
engine temperature. Decreasing
engine RPM, reducing load, and
selecting an appropriate transmis-
sion gear can lower the temperature.
To check/add coolant, use the following
1. Remove the two reinstallable rivets
from the front of the radiator access
2. Lift the front of the access panel;
then slide the panel forward to dis-
engage the two rear tabs.
3. Move the panel rearward until free
of the rack.
4. Carefully rotate the radiator cap
counterclockwise to release pres-
sure; then remove the cap.
5. Add coolant as necessary; then install
the radiator cap and access panel.
Continued operation of the ATV with
high engine temperature may result
in engine damage or premature