Figure. 4.5 - 20. Settings section.
• LLoc
emotte sta
e stattus
us: control access may be set to Local or Remote (Local by default; please
note that when local control is enabled, the object cannot be controlled through the bus and
vice versa).
• Ob
Object name
ject name: the name of the object (objects are named "ObjectX" by default).
• Ob
Object t
ject type
ype: selects the type of the object from Grounding disconnector, Motor-controlled
disconnector, Circuit breaker and Withdrawable circuit breaker (Circuit breaker by default).
• Ob
Object x sta
ject x stattus
us: the status can be Bad, Closed, Open and Intermittent. The status
"Intermittent" is the phase between "Open" and "Closed" where both status inputs are 0. The
status "Bad" occurs when both status inputs of the object/cart are 1.
• A
Additional sta
dditional stattus inf
us informa
tion: gives feedback from the object on whether the opening and
closing are allowed or blocked, whether the object is ready, and whether the synchronization
status is ok.
• Use synchr
Use synchrocheck
ocheck and Use Ob
Use Object r
ject read
eadyy: closing the object is forbidden when the sides are
not synchronized or when the object is not ready to be closed.
• Open r
Open requests
equests and C
Close r
lose requests
equests: displays the statistics, i.e. the number of Open and Close
• Open r
Open requests failed
equests failed and C
Close r
lose requests failed
equests failed: displays the statistics of Open and Close
request failures. A request is considered to have failed when the object does not change its
status as a result of that request.
• C
Clear sta
lear statistics
tistics: statistics can be cleared by choosing "Clear statistics" and then "Clear".
Instruction manual
Version: 2.04