Figure. 6.1.5. - 82. Settings for both available GOOSE publishing data sets.
The GOOSE data sets de ne the data that is sent by the publisher. GOOSE publisher can only send
binary data and quality information of the binary signals. The binary signal and the quality information
for that binary singal are mapped together to the GOOSE input signals on the receiving side. In order
for the quality information of each GOOSE input to be used in the relay logic, both the quality
information and the GOOSE reception time-out supervision have to be of good quality, or else the
quality signal activates.
6.1.6. IEC 103
IEC 103 is shortened form of the international standard IEC 60870-5-103. The AQ-200 series units
are able to run as a secondary (slave) station. The IEC 103 protocol can be selected for the serial ports
that are available in the device. A primary (master) station can then communicate with the Arcteq
device and receive information by polling from the slave device. The transfer of disturbance recordings
is not supported.
NOTE: Once the con guration le has been loaded, the IEC 103 map of the relay can be found in the
AQtivate software (
IEC 103 map
The following table presents the setting parameters for the IEC 103 protocol.
Slave address
De nes the IEC 103 slave address for the unit.
Measurement interval
0…60 000 ms
1 ms
2000 ms
De nes the interval for the measurements update.
Instruction manual
Version: 2.01
© Arcteq Relays Ltd