Chapter 10. Plugins
The first one goes from 90 to 150 bpm in an endless part with 0.25 bpm increase per
bar. The second one goes down from 150 to 90 with 4 bars per bpm change, which is
the same acceleration as in the first line. The last one is a part of 16 bars length that
changes tempo from 100 to 200 smoothly during its whole lifetime (6.25 bpm/bar). For
details on how the acceleration works, see
It is also possible to provide a tempo for each individual beat in a part by separating
values with a comma (no spaces),
varibeat: 3 4/4 135,90,78,100,120,120,99,100,43,94,120,133
where the beat duration is first according to 135 bpm, then 90 bpm, and so forth. You
are required to provide a value for each beat in all bars of the part.
You can provide a pattern that controls how the beats are played:
emphasized beat (Tick)
normal beat (Tock)
silent beat
Some examples:
default: 0 4/4 120 Xxxx
rockon2: 0 4/4 120 xXxX
solea: 0 12/4 180 xxXxxXxXxXxX
shuffle: 0 12/12 120 x.xX.xx.xX..
funky: 0 16/16 120 x.x.X..X.Xx.X..X
The 12/12 for the shuffle create 1/4 triplets. Just do a bit of math;-) This is still a
metronome, not a drum machine, but it can act like a basic one, helping you to figure
out a certain rhythm within the meter.
The UI is developed so that it fits into the display of a Sansa Clip+ and that is the
hardware device it is tested on. It seems to work reasonably on some other models in
the simulator.
At last, a more complete tempomap file:
# An example track exercising the programmable Rockbox metronome
# or also
lead-in: 1 4/4 120 XXXX 0.5 # 4 emphasized but less loud ticks
intro: 4 4/4 120
# standard beat
tearing down: 4
# changing tempo from 120 to 90
break: 2 1/4 90
# 2 1/4 bars at 90
rolling: 2 6/8 90
# 2 6/8 at same tempo (quarters!)
rumbling: 4 3/4 90 X.x
# 3/4, first (tick) and last (tock)
ramp-up: 8 2/4 90-150
# speeding up to 150 bpm again
flow: 4
# steady 4/4 at 150 bpm
death: 8
# going down to 60
final: 1 1/1 60
# one last hit
The Rockbox manual
(version 3.14)
Archos Ondio