This user manual provides a summary of the basic product specifications and features. Before using
each product, please read this user manual thoroughly. Pay special attention and adhere to the safety
information throughout this manual.
Some instructions in this manual are based on the Android 11 operating platform. If you are using another
operating system, some operations may differ.
Do not touch the LCD panel with sharp or hard objects. Do not use abrasive cleaners, waxes or solvents
for cleaning, use only a dry or damp, soft cloth. Use only battery, power supply and accessories specified
by the manufacturer.
Because of our continuous research and improvements, the contents in this catalogue may be changed
without prior notice. The printed illustrations in this manual may differ from the actual product. The
features and operations described in this guide are common to most, but not all, models.
This manual contains proprietary information protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of
this manual may be reproduced by mechanical, electronical or any other means, in any form, or without
prior written permission of the manufacturer.
Biometrics Technology Company will be exempt from
responsibility for any loss or damage which may be caused by the use (or misuse) of this product.