2.1 Installation Precautions
Use only cables and the supplied accessories discussed in this manual. Failure do so may cause
damage to the amplifier. The cable for speakers can ONLY be used for connecting the amplifier to
the speakers. The cable for power can ONLY be used for connecting the amplifier to the battery.
2.2 Connecting the Amplifier
1. Connect your source unit’s RCA outputs (left and right) to the amplifier’s left and right RCA
input cables.
2.2.1 Connecting Inputs with Low-Level (RCA) Cables (recommended)
Always route wires and cables safely, avoid sharp edges and burns along the way. Always check
the length of a wire before cutting.
2.1.2 Cutting Cables
The AQ-AD300.2-MICRO amplifier dissipates high levels of heat. As a result we suggest keeping
the amplifier in a well-ventilated area. We don’t suggest keeping the amplifier in enclosed areas.
2.1.1 Positioning the Amplifier
Do not install the amplifier on top of, or above, the stereo installed in your Harley-Davidson Motorcycle faring as this
could result in over heating of either the amplifier, the stereo, or both.
Left & Right
We recommend using Low-Level (RCA) input connections, as detailed in 3.2.1 above, however,
should RCA outputs not be available from your stereo the AQ-AD300.2-MICRO allows for signal
input using your stereo’s speaker output cables.
1. Open the control panel cover by removing the four screws securing the cover and connect the
supplied High-Level Input Adaptor.
2.2.2 Connecting Inputs with High-Level (Speaker) Cables
Using High-Level signal inputs requires the removal of the control panel cover and will significantly reduce the
amplifiers ingress performance for both water and dust. This will also void warranty cover.
2 Channel Waterproof Amplifier AQ-AD300.2-MICRO