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Thank you for choosing the Aquascape Pro
Air 60 Pond Aeration Kit.
At Aquascape, our
goal is to supply our customers with the best
valued products in water gardening. We hope
you enjoy your purchase. Thank you for choosing
Your Paradise. Our Passion.
Introduction …………………………………………… 2
Contents ………………………………………………… 3
Recommended Products ……………………………… 3
Recommended Tools ………………………………… 3
Specifications Chart …………………………………… 3
Instructions ………………………………………… 4-5
Winter Application ……………………………………… 5
General Maintenance ………………………………… 5
Troubleshooting ………………………………………… 6
Replacement Parts …………………………………… 6
Warranty Information ………………………………… 6
The Aquascape Pro Air 60 Pond Aeration Kit is the ideal
solution for aerating ponds and water features up to 15,000
gallons. The complete kit provides everything needed to
supply dissolved oxygen directly to the water, helping all
biological processes and ensuring healthier water, fish, and
plants. The system can also be used during freezing months
where it will keep a hole open in the surface of the pond to
help keep pond fish safe through the winter. With the Pro Air
60 Pond Aeration kit, it is easy to maintain clean, clear, and
healthy water. This instruction manual will guide you through
the proper installation of your filter as well as recommended
maintenance procedures to ensure long-term effectiveness.
Pro Air 60 Pond
Aeration Kit