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• The receiver includes a switch that allows the pump to be
operated in the two following modes (Ex. 14).
Smart Control Receiver Setup
• Mount the receiver above the ground on a post, fence, or
• Connect the pump to the Smart Control Receiver.
• Plug the Smart Control Receiver into an outdoor-rated
GFCI, and the unit will automatically enter pairing mode
(Ex. 8).
The blinking blue light on the face of the unit
indicates the receiver is in pairing mode and ready to be
• Download the Aquascape Smart Control App (available on
iOS or Android App Store).
• Open the Aquascape Smart Control App and click ‘Create
New Account’ (Ex. 9).
If you already have an account, login with your
username and password.
• Once logged in, click the three dashes in the upper right-
hand corner of the home screen (Ex. 10).
• Click ‘Add New Device’ (Ex. 11).
• Enter the Wi-Fi network and password for the network to
which the unit will connect (Ex. 12).
General Maintenance
• It is recommended to inspect your pump on a regular
basis to make sure it is functioning properly.
Always disconnect the power before performing
maintenance on the pump.
Ex. 9
Ex. 10
Ex. 11
Ex. 12
Adequate Wi-Fi coverage is required (2.4g
networks supported)
• Continue to follow on-screen instructions to complete the
pairing process.
• To reset the device to factory defaults, first turn the unit off
by pressing the power button, then press and hold the +
and - buttons for four seconds and release when the LED
display lights up completely (Ex. 13).
Ex. 13
Ex. 8
Ex. 14
Filter Screen Cleaning
• A filter screen clogged with debris will reduce the water
flow rate.
• Remove any existing debris from the outside of the filter
• In situations with excess debris build-up, the pump
screens will need to be removed for a more thorough
Position 1 - Operated by Aquascape Smart Control
App or remote control
Position 2 - Bypass control, and operate at full
• In the event of a power loss the pump will revert to the last
flow-rate setting.