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be2adn.DOC, Seite 10 von 10, Aug. 11
filter is equipped with an ORP connector in the
filter cap (1c.). Open the union nut of the sensor
connector (11.) and pull out the red plug. Instead
of the plug push an ORP sensor into the connec-
tor. Fix the union nut. You can use every ORP
sensor with a diameter of 12 mm.
Pay attention to the manual of the ORP
sensor and the ORP measuring device. An ORP
value is meaningful only after 1 to 2 days. Bio-
logically activated AND-filters have a negative
ORP value.
The low the ORP the lower the nitrate concentra-
7.5. Adjusting the right feed flow
during normal operation
The definite inlet water flow for the ADN-filters
depends on several factors:
Total volume
of the aquarium: the bigger
the tank the higher the inlet flow.
Total organic load
of the aquarium: the
more food you take in the higher the inlet
c) The lower the
water change rate
higher the water inlet flow.
d) The worse the
biological filtration
higher the water inlet flow.
e) The higher the
water temperature
, the
higher inlet water flows are possible.
f) The higher the
(total dissolved sol-
ids) the lower the possible maximum wa-
ter inlet flow.
After the starting phase you can increase the inlet
water flow step by step to that value that a sig-
nificant fall of the nitrate concentration is visible
in the aquarium.
If the nitrate concentration in the aquarium is be-
low 5 mg/l the efficiency of the ADN-filter
should be lowered. A nitrate concentration about
0 mg/l is not good for the animals and the ADN
can produces hydrogen sulfide.
7.6. Important parameters dur-
ing operation of the ADN fil-
Measure the Carbonate hardness (KH, al-
kalinity, buffer capacity) of the aquarium water
once per month. If the KH is falling below 3°dH
the ADN must shut down or you must add alka-
linity to prevent very low pH values in the aquar-
For enriching KH, calcium and magnesium
AquaCare offers chemicals and units in hobby
and technical sizes.
8. Shut down the unit
If you want to shut down the ADN, e.g. if too less
nitrate is in the aquarium, please follow the above
1. Flush the ADN thoroughly (see chapter
“maintenance: flushing time”).
2. Stop the water inlet flow by closing the
inlet water valve (7.).
3. Stop the main circulation pump: with type
„a“ switch off the main switch (10a.) with
manual type disconnect the pump.
4. Drain the water by opening the drain (D)
and the sample valve (E), too.
If the ADN stand still with water for more
than one day the bacteria will die and hydrogen
sulfide is produced. Hydrogen sulfide is toxic.
9. Maintain the unit
The ADN is a unit that need less maintenance.
But for a long and stable function some steps are
9.1. Flushing
A high efficiency is only possible if the filter bed
has a loose filling and any water channels and
blocking exists. Therefore you must flush the fil-
ter bed regularly.