2.1 Trickle filter modules
The water flowing down from the aquarium is divided equally to the 3 trickle
filter modules and the protein skimmer. The upper part of the modules contains
the trickle plate. The plate is covered with a lid to avoid splashing. On the trickle
plate, the water is filled up for some mm and trickles then down through the
slits, evenly distributed over the whole plate. This set up contains no moving
parts and is maintenance free and safe for failures. The water trickled down
through a 20 cm high column of
. A bacteria layer, the so called
biofilm is formed on the surface of the Bactoballs The bacteria remove waste
substances from the water, especially Ammonia and Nitrite. These nitogen
compounds are oxidised to Nitrate. The trickel filter modules are mounted
above a layer of filter sponge. Here, the noise is minimised and particles, as
dead bacteria falling from the
are removed from the water.
set up of the trickle filter modules (side view):
1. Filtertank
2. Water outlet from the
3. inlet pipes
4. lid
5. trickle plate
7. support
8. filter sponge
9. grid
10. clear water chamber
2.2. Protein skimmer
The protein skimmer is supplied with water from a bypass of the water inlet. The
bypass can be regulated with the adjustion valve. It should always be adjusted
in a way, that dry foam is produced and pushed into the foam cup.
The complete foam cup can be removed for cleaning. It is also possible to turn
the bayonet and to remove the whole lid of the skimmer. This is necessary to
clean the interior of the reaction pipe.