aqprox! appIP02P2P User Manual Download Page 7

Open the EYECLOUD application, click the + button at the upper 

left corner, press Scanning and scan the QR code on the back of the 
camera, the data will be entered automatically.

Insert the password (default password) Default 888888. You can 

check the state (status) of the camera is on line, click on the camera 
and automatically displayed. If you click on the camera image, you 
can access it. And if you click operation, you will have access to all 

Summary of Contents for appIP02P2P

Page 1: ...Wireless HD IP Rev 01...

Page 2: ......

Page 3: ...hout a computer with only the applicationintendedforsmarphones ItincorporatesamicroSDslotwithwhichyoucaninsertmicroSD cardsandrecorddirectlytothestorageandaccesstoreal timevideo overtheInternetonadesk...

Page 4: Electricaloutlet HardwareinstallationforRJ 45connection Foritsfirstinstallationconnectthecameratotherouterasshown inthefollowingfigure ConnectaRJ 45cablebetweentheoutputLanoftherouterand theLaninp...

Page 5: to Google Play Store from Android or Apple Store on iPhone downloadandinstallitonyoursmartphone Youcanseetheapplicationiconinthelistofapplicationsonyour smartphone runit Thefirstthingyouneedistocre...

Page 6: ...r press the ONEWiFi Setup key the list ofWIFi access points available will come up select the desired one and enter the Wi Fi key finallypressOK IfeverythingwassuccessfulthecameraUIDwillappear Insertt...

Page 7: ...kofthe camera thedatawillbeenteredautomatically Insert the password default password Default 888888 You can checkthestate status ofthecameraisonline clickonthecamera andautomaticallydisplayed Ifyoucli...

Page 8: ...clickinthedrivewhereyou placedtheCDandrunautorun exe InstallthesoftwareIPEyeCloudClientPC OnceinstalledyoutheIPcameraiconappearsEyeCloud Runitandyouwillseethefollowingpicture Youshouldenterthe sameacc...

Page 9: ...ClickonAdddevicesandthenextimageappears ClickFindtolocatethecameraonyourlocalnetwork...

Page 10: ...SelectthefoundcameraandpresstheOKbutton...

Page 11: want to establish a wireless connection ClicktheSearchbuttontosearchforwirelessnetworksandenter theWi Fipassword Finally thefollowingmessagewillappearifeverythingwassetup correctly Presstheokbutt...

Page 12: ...Enter the default password 888888 The following image will appearandpresstheConnectbutton...

Page 13: ...Youcanviewtheimageofferedbythecamera Note IfyoucannotfindthecamerainyourWi Finetwork runthe applicationincludedintheinstallationCD findapp andsetitinyour networkrange...

Page 14: ...Configurationviawebinterface Entertheipcamerainyourwebbrowser followedbyacolonand theport Example 192 168 1 17 82 Forusernametypeadminandpassword888888 Runtheiconaccordingtoyourbrowser...

Page 15: ...ment in which has full access to all camera functionsopens Technicalsupport For more information on installing and configuring this product gotoourwebsitewww approx essupportsectionorwriteanemail toso...

Page 16: ...enador con solo la aplicaci ndestinadaasmarphones IncorporaunaranuramicroSDconlaquelepodr insertartarjetas microSDygrabardirectamenteenestealmacenamientoy acceder en tiempo real al v deo a trav s de I...

Page 17: ...madecorrienteel ctrica Instalaci nHardwareporconexi nRJ 45 Parasuprimerainstalaci nconectarlac maraalroutercomose muestra en la siguiente imagen Conecte un cable RJ 45 entre la salidaLandelrouterylaen...

Page 18: desde Android o Apple Store desde Iphone desc rgueloeinst leloensusmartphone Podr vereliconodelaaplicaci nenlalistadeaplicacionesdesu Smartphone ejec telo Loprimeroquedeber escrearunacuenta y regis...

Page 19: ...e abrir la lista de Puntos de accesosWi Fi disponibles seleccione el deseadoeintroduzcalaclaveWi Fi finalmentepulseOK Sitodohafinalizadocorrectamenteleaparecer lac maraenUID Inserteelpassword contrase...

Page 20: ...tos ser n introducidosautom ticamente Inserteelpassword contrase apordefecto pordefecto888888 Podr comprobar que el estado status de la c mara es on line pulsesobrelac maraysevisualizar autom ticament...
