Rathsbergstrasse 17
90411 Nuremberg / Germany
Trade register:
Nuremberg HRB 23727
USt.-Id-No.: DE 256 058 089
D-U-N-S: 31-260-0530
phone: +49 911 / 65 00 79-50
+49 911 / 65 00 79-79
eMail: [email protected]
Web: www.aprotech.de
Managing Director:
Peter Jung
Industrial Panel- and Box-PCs
3.2 Installing Internal Components
3.2.1 DDR4 SO-DIMM Installation
There is one SO-DIMM memory slot on POC-500 motherboard. Please follow the procedures
below to install the memory module.
Disassemble the system enclosure
2. Locate the SO-DIMM slot on the motherboard shown below.
To install
, insert the gold finger end of the SO-DIMM on a 45 degree angle into the slot and
gently push the SO-DIMM down until it is clipped-in.
45 degree angle insert
Push until it is clipped-in
when done.