I n t r o d u c t i o n
T h e S P E C T R U M M o d e l
D e v i c e M a n a g e m e n t
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A d t r a n D S U / C S U
DSU/CSU and ISDN Rackmount Solutions
• Smart 16/16e Shelf
Rackmount system that holds up to 16 DSU, ISU,
and TSU products.
ATLAS Series
Scalable integrated access systems that support
voice, data, and video applications.
A multi-function integrated
access device. Eight slot modular platform
with two network interfaces configurable for
T1, DSX-1 or PRI operation. 10BaseT
Ethernet interface. Functions as T1/T3
bandwidth manager, ISDN access switch,
remote access concentrator and Digital
Access Cross-Connect System (DACS).
Has the same functionality
as the ATLAS 800 with additional Frame
Relay voice, data concentration, switching,
and Integral 10BaseT and IP Router. Supports
external routers via V.35 or T1.
Similar functionality to the
ATLAS 800 but has six slot modular chassis.
Two network interface slots (one T1/PRI
module included in chassis). Functions as a
multi-T1 IAD, ISDN switch, Frame Relay
The model type for the Adtran devices is
. This model represents all of the
Adtran devices except for the Atlas Series.
The model type for the Atlas Series is the
Modeling results in the creation of Device icons
that represent the devices and Application icons
that represent their supported applications.
The Device icons contain double-click zones and
provide access to Icon Subviews menus that let
you perform device management activities such
as those listed in
shows, the appearance of the Device
icons varies slightly depending on the kind of view
it appears in.