use and maintenance
Pegaso 650
Always observe posted and statutory
speed limits, but do not assume that you
can ride as fast as the speed limit under
all road conditions. Slowing down a little
can greatly increase your safety under all
road conditions.
Do not ride your vehicle off road.
Do not tamper with the muffler system or
the emissions control system of your vehi-
cle. This is not only bad for the environ-
ment, it can subject you to serious penal-
Before riding your vehicle, ensure that
your riding gear is in good condition. To
be effective, your helmet must fit properly,
and the visor or other eye protection must
be clean.
Bo th r ese arc h and e xper ie nce ha ve
shown that drivers of other vehicles often
do not see vehicles or riders. In order to
make yourself more conspicuous to these
drivers, wear bright reflective clothing,
such as a reflective vest, or clothing with
reflective sections sewn into the jacket,
pants and gloves. Be particular aware of
approaching automobiles and trucks that
might be trying to turn left in front of you.
Many vehicle accidents are caused by an
opposing automobile driver making a left
turn without warning in front of the vehicle.
Inevitably, the driver will look right at you,
and yet swear that they did not see you
before they turned directly into your path.
Ride alert!
Wear protective clothing, preferably in light
and/or reflecting colours. In this way you
will make yourself more visible to the other
drivers, thus notably reducing the risk of
being knocked down, and you will be more
protected in case of fall.
Always wear your crash helmet. Many ac-
cidents are fatal because of injuries to the
This clothing should be very tight-fitting
and fastened at the wrists and ankles.
Strings, belts and ties should not be hang-
ing loose; prevent these and other objects
from interfering with driving by getting en-
tangled with moving parts or driving mech-
Usa-01.fm Page 23 Wednesday, December 15, 1999 9:31 AM