1. Remove the back of the thermostat, by pressing the
tab on the bottom of the unit.
2. Pull wires through the opening on the back of the
thermostat .
3. Position and level the back of the thermostat on wall
and mark the hole locations with a pencil .
4. Drill 1/4” holes & insert supplied anchors (drywall only).
5. Place back over anchors, insert and tighten screws.
6. Seal wire entry holes to prevent drafts affecting
temperature readings .
The thermostat is dual power. It can either be AC or
battery powered, or both (to provide backup power for
the clock). Batteries are optional if the thermostat was
connected to AC power when installed.
For heat pump models (8446 and 8465) and universal
models (8448 and 8466) used in heat pump applications
24 VAC must be connected in order for the system fault
and emergency heat indicators to operate .
The thermostat has a memory backup that saves the
thermostat’s settings in case of a power interruption.
The reset button located under the battery cover can be
used to reset the thermostat back to factory defaults.
The system settings will also be reset back to defaults.
61000652D 8400 Tstat Install.indd 5
7/9/13 9:03 AM