Normally, the fresh air filter will need to be removed and cleaned every six months, but check it after the first three months following
installation to determine if more or less frequent cleaning will be necessary. After cleaning the filter inside the ventilator, clean off
the screen at the fresh air intake hood on the outside of the house� The most common cause of reduced ventilation is a clogged air
intake hood�
Set the Ventilation Time knob to the setting that was determined in the previous section� The ventilator will turn on with the HVAC
equipment for the set number of minutes during the one-hour cycle period� If the HVAC equipment does not turn on enough, the
ventilator will turn on, and will turn on the HVAC system blower if wired to do so, at the end of the one-hour cycle period to ensure
the desired ventilation time is met. The first time it turns on, it will stay on for five minutes to get an accurate air temperature
measurement� If the air temperature is within the range that is set (see
), the ventilator will turn on for the amount of time
selected within the one-hour cycle period�
If the air temperature is outside of the set range, then no additional ventilation will occur for another hour, and the cycle period will
automatically adjust to four hours� When the ventilator starts again, it will sample the air temperature and if in range, will meet the set
amount of ventilation during the four-hour cycle period. For example, if the Vent Time was set to 25 minutes per hour and the first time
the ventilator came on it measured an air temperature above the high limit setting, it would turn off after five minutes. The control will
automatically change the cycle period to four hours and work to provide the additional 95 total minutes of ventilation (25 min/hr *
4 hours = 100 minutes, minus the five minutes of the first air sampling) during the four-hour cycle period.
If the air temperature is still out of range, the control will automatically switch to an 8-hour cycle period, then a 12-hour cycle period
and finally a 24-hour cycle period. During 8, 12 and 24 hour cycle periods, the total ventilation time increases to compensate for
ventilation effectiveness as defined in ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2010. When the cycle period automatically adjusts to 24-hours, the
control will turn on ventilation to meet the requirements even if the temperature is outside of the set limits�
To clean the ventilator filter
Flex the outside edges of
the filter door to disengage
it from the housing�
Lift the filter door to remove
the filter from the ventilator.
Use water to rinse the
filter and shake the excess
moisture off the filter.
Replace the filter in the
ventilator and press the
outside edges of the filter
door to snap it in place�