10. Is it possible to restore a single file from the clone stored on my old
EZ Gig allows you to mount an image as a “virtual” hard drive. You
can access this “virtual” drive as if it were a physical hard drive. You
would use your
Windows Explorer
My Computer
and copy the file
or folder and paste it on to your hard drive.
11. I am unable to format my 80GB or larger EZ Upgrade with FAT 32 in
Windows 2000 or XP?
Windows 2000 and XP limit a FAT32 partition to 32GB. If you choose to
format the drive in a larger partition, you will need to use the NTFS file
12. Can I boot Windows to my USB Device?
No. Because of limitations (both hardware and software) Windows is
currently prevented from booting and running off a USB drive.