background image


After Taking Out the Product 

Supplementary items



•  Check that all the parts are correct and intact after taking the product  out from the box.

•  For damaged or missing parts, please contact our customer support centre.

<Product features>

•  Lightweight aluminum pipes are used for the frame.

•  Front to back folding type.

•  The handle is fixed at the rear.

•  The baby stroller can stand on its own when folded.

Main body

After taking the product out from the 

box, the product is in its folded state. 

To open the baby stroller, please refer 

to page 9. 


Item denoting where misuse may cause injury or damage the product.

•  Be sure to conduct regular checks and maintenance.

• Before use, be sure to check that the seat and 

sunshade have been installed correctly.

•  Lubricate the movable parts regularly. Lubricating oil for 

plastics should be used.

• Be sure to conduct checks and maintenance 

before using after long periods of storage.

•  Even without a baby in the baby stroller, do not a 

leave the baby stroller near the road or on a 

sloping surface, or other such dangerous places.

•  Do not use if the screws or nuts are loose.

•  Do not join 2 baby strollers together.

• Do not push the baby stroller with the front 

wheels lifted off the ground. The back frame may  

become warped or broken as a result.

•  For the safety of your baby, push the baby stroller while 

walking at a normal walking speed (about 4km/h) 

when your baby is in the baby stroller.

•  Do not push the baby stroller through muddy or sandy 

areas. The wheels may not rotate smoothly as a result.

•  Do not use the baby stroller with mud or sand on it. The 

sliding open/close lock may not operate correctly if 

sand gets stuck in it.

• Do not install baby seat boards on the baby 

stroller. The baby stroller may become damaged as a 


•  Do not place items weighing more than 5kg into the 


• Guardians and helpers should not sit on the baby 


•  Do not use the baby stroller as a trolley for things.

•  Do not use the baby stroller for purposes other 


than baby usage.

•  Do not use the baby stroller in a bus.

  This product was not designed to be used in a bus. 

  When used in a bus, turns or sudden brakes may 

  cause the baby stroller to fall over or other 



•  Using the baby stroller in a train.

  This product was not designed to be used in a 

  train. When used in a train, turns or sudden brakes 

  may cause the baby stroller to fall over or other 

  u n f o r e s e e a b l e   c i r c u m s t a n c e s .  T h e   u s e r   i s

  responsible to ensure that the stopper is engaged 


and to use the baby stroller with due caution.

•  When on a train, do not attempt last minute 

  boarding or alighting. The baby stroller may get 

  caught by the automatic doors of the train leading 


to injuries or other unforeseeable circumstances.

•  Do not use the baby stroller where snow has 


gathered or the road is frozen.

•  Do not use the baby stroller in strong winds.

•  Do not use the baby stroller during thunderstorms.

•  Do not use the rain cover indoors where the baby 

  stroller is close to a source of fire or heat. There 

  may be a risk of increased temperature inside the 



•  Do not leave the baby stroller near a source of fire 

  or under the sun. The plastic components may 


warp, causing deterioration of the product.

•  Do not subject the baby stroller to other possible 


causes of damage.


<After taking the product out from the box>

 Part A 

– castor is in the locked position.

 Part B 

– stopper is in the locked position.


Lock lever




<Left and right>

<Left and right>

• Before use, release the locks.
   (See page 10)

User manual

User manual / warranty letter (this book)

Summary of Contents for Magical Air Plus Bitte

Page 1: ...įįįķ өഌ ӫᆏġĩŎŢŨŪŤŢŭġłŪųġŔĪįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįĸ өഌ ӫᆏġĩŎŢŨŪŤŢŭġłŪųġőŭŶŴġŔġħġŎŢŨŪŤŢŭġłŪųġőŭŶŴġŃŪŵŵŦĪįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįĹ Сளᙐܿ ߴᎵ ᎎ ᕲ ٻޠ ңР ݳ įįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįį IJĶ ဋ ٻޠᝲޑ ңР ݳ įįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįį IJĶ ᔊ ڌ К ٚ ޠ Ԟ Р ݳ įįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįįį IJķ ᖂᇨࠣ ڤܷޠ Р...

Page 2: ...ᔉ ڋ Й ٙϱ ྣޟ ȂШσΡ ޟ ཐឈ پ ுଽȄ ᗗ Ρတӻ ޟ ӴПȂоᗗջᏡॱȃ შȄ ငႆϚҁᐌ ޟ ၯ७Ȃ ᅾџ ܹᄚഀ Ȃ ҏᇳ ਪ ٺܚ Ң ޟ ඨყȃಢ၆ Ȃ ؑᙏ ᕣȂ ߨٮ ᇄᄂࠢ ׇ ӒࣺӣȄ оᄂሬ ࠢސ кȄ ٮ и ᗗ Еଔਏଢ଼ȃፐᔞ ޟ ၯࢲȄ ٺ Ң ࠉ Ӱৼ ԤϚབ௬ဣ ޟ ӠᓎȄ ӵ ۃ ၾ ӴПȂᔉ ڋ Й ٙৼӰՌ ྤଢ଼ȃᙚ ȂՄᏲम Ԥ ڧ ϞဲȄ ॸֲਢ ܖ ᚔ ਢȂ ٙᎈྷٙᏢѾѡ ڍ ӣਢ ᚇΰȂ ٮ ጂᇯᔉ ڋ Й ٙϚ ོྤଢ଼Ȅ ॸֲ ܖ ညܹ ࠢސ ਢȂ ϼႆ ࣺ ྷٙᏢȄӰၯ७ ޑ ᄘȃᄺഅђ Ѕञδ ܒ ϞϚ ӣȂӰԪྷٙᏢҐ ๘ᄇྷ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙȄ ٺ ᚇΰྷٙᏢȂζ ϼᡱ ᚔ ௌ ޟ ຜጣጒ Ȃᐿ ܻ Й ٙϱȄ ӰৼѶўҁᒋȃࣼϚ ڗ ၯ७ ݷ ȂՄԤᏲमᄣই ϞဲȄ ॸֲਢȂ ϼ ޢ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙඪଔ ުȄ Ȇ ٺ ...

Page 3: ... ڗڧ ၯ७ኇ ٺ ுٙϱ ྣޟ ᡐଽȂᏲम ᡝ ڗڧ ޟ ӠᓎȄ ԊӒ ளЅԊӒဖள Ι ଔ ٺ ҢȂ ٮ ᐌ ڗ ᎌӫ ᡝ ޟ ညȄ ଽྣ ܖ Рྱ ੨ਢȂ ϼߝਢ ٺ ҢȄ ٺ Ң ࠉ ᜰᚇԚ ᜰᚇԚҐ ׇ ӒԚՍή П ޑޟ ᄘȄ ٺ Ңᔉ ڋ Й ٙࠉȂ ጂᇯѾѡ ᜰᚇԚ ׇ ӒԚ Ȅ ӰৼᏲमᔉ ڋ Й ٙકཬȃ ٱ ȃ ڧ ȃཎѴ ٱ ϞဲȄ ٺ Ңᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ਢȂ ϼႆ ࢊΨȄ Ӱৼᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ইᏲम ௬ဣՄ ڧ ޟ Ӡᓎ ӰৼᏲमᔉ ڋ Й ٙકཬȂ ٺ ு ٺܖ Ң ڧޱ ϞဲȄ Ȇ ٺ ҢП ݲ ᒿᇲਢȂџ ོഅԙΡষԫι ܖ १ ל Ȅ ɖ ϼᡱ ڋ ᐇհҏᔉ ڋ Й ٙȄ ɖ ॸֲਢȂ ᡱ ޟ ᄇྥҳᡝԒ ள ޟ ညȄ ࠌӰৼ ٺ ுᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ࡣ ᙚ ϞဲȄ ɖҏϴѧᆰওΡষѴȂ ϼՌ Ϸ ȃԊ၆ ܖ അȄ ɖ ϼӵ ාᖁᇧࠢܶή ޑޟ ᄘή ٺ Ң...

Page 4: ... ҢȄ ɖ ϼ ࠉᎈ ଽᖞ ޑ ᄘ ٖȄӰৼഅԙࡣഋ Ԣᡐ ܖל ᘞນȄ ɖ ॸֲܻᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ٮ иӵ ϛਢȂ Ο ޟ ԊӒȂ оΙૡ ޟ ഀ Ȟਢഀघĵϴ٨Ѿѡ ޟ ഀ ȟȄ ɖ ϼ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ՍؓӴ ݫܖ ᔺ Ȅ Ȟᜰ ᙽ ܾӰؓಖ ΣᏲम ᜰԝઽ ᜲȄȟ ɖ ؓ ݮ ಖ ݫܖ πਢ ϼညϞϚ౩Ȅ Ȟᜰ ྤଢ଼ ܾӰؓಖ ΣᏲम ᜰԝઽ ᜲȄȟ ɖᔉ ڋ Й ٙ Οᡱ ॸֲȄ Οᗗջഅԙཬ ᚽȂ ϼё၆ӈդѿ ႭӇȄ ɖ ϼӵည ܹ ސ Σ१໔ĶŬŨоΰ ࠢސޟ Ȅ ɖড়ߝȃྱ ޱ ϼআᎬӵᔉ ڋ Й ٙΰȄ ɖ ϼҢ پ ཨၼ ࠢސ Ȅ ɖҏ ࠢ ३ܻᔉ ֲॸڋ Ȅ ɖ ϼӵϴٙΰ ٺ ҢȄ ȁҏ ࠢϞ೩ॎȂ ߨٮ оϴٙΰ ٺ Ң Ҭ ޟ Ȅषӵϴ ٙΰ ٺ Ңҏ ࠢȂӰৼᙽ ȃᆧࡨྷٙ নӰȂՄ Ԥีҡᙚ ܖ ཎѴ ٱ ϞဲȄ ɖႫٙΰ ٺ Ң ݧޟ ཎ ٱ Ȅ ȁҏ ...

Page 5: ... Ҵᡞԓ ழ Ҵᡞԓ ழ 安全腰帶 安全肩帶 ԋӓ ழ ԋӓဗழ ᜱᚈԛ ࡤᎉྸٚᏣ ࡤᎉ ࠊᎉ ဋ ᝲޑ ԋӓ К Кߴៗ ໗ԛ ܺ К ရ ݗ ٚᎉଠᙾ ۢڿ ᚈ ԋӓ ழᏳЍ ᎎ ᕲ ᎎ ᕲ ݗ ᎎ ဌ өഌ ӫᆏġ Magical Air S К ױ ԋӓ ښ ᚈ ৱ К ױ ښ ໗ ȲᎭनन८ȳ ٚᡞ ဵଅၸ ณࢳԓِ ழ ณࢳԓِ Ꮳ ȲϥᘉԓԚߞ ԋӓழȳ Ҵᡞԓ ழ Ҵᡞԓ ழ ԋӓ ழ ԋӓဗழ ᜱᚈԛ ࡤᎉྸٚᏣ ࡤᎉ ࠊᎉ ဋ ᝲޑ ԋӓ К Кߴៗ ໗ԛ ܺ К ရ ݗ ٚᎉଠᙾ ۢڿ ᚈ ԋӓ ழᏳЍ ᎎ ᕲ ᎎ ᕲ ݗ ᎎ ဌ ٻ ң ࠊ ৱ ழԛಣ ழԛಣ ɏҐඩშ ٽ ՄȂ пᄃࠣ лȄ ...

Page 6: ...ٺ Ң ޱ ҢЙ پ ଶࡣᎈྷ ٙᏢȂ ݧ ཎȁȁಒဴ ຝ ޟ ഋϷȂӰৼֶ ڗ ЙࡾՄԤ ڧ ϞဲȄ ٙᎈଟᙽ ۡھ Ꮲ ٺޟ ҢП ݲ ࡣᎈྷٙᏢ ٺޟ ҢП ݲ Δᡱ ॸֲਢȂ ϼႆܻআᒦࡣᎈྷٙᏢȄ ٺٺ ҢࡣᎈྷٙᏢȂ ٷ ᐃၯ७ ޑ ᄘȃᄺഅ ޟ ᐠ ΰЅञ δ ܒ Ȃฒ ݲ ᜌ๘ᄇϚོಋଢ଼Ȅ Δष ٺ ҢΟࡣᎈྷٙᏢȂζ Ϛौᡱ ᚔ ௌ ޟ ຜጣጒ Ȅ Δ Ґॸֲਢ ޱܖ ᚔ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙਢȂ ᚇΰࡣᎈ ޟ ѾѡྷٙȄ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ޟ ٺ Ң П ݲ Ȳ ଶȳ Ȳΰᚇȳ ដ Δҥܻ Ңџо ԝၯ७ፐᔞ ཱིޟ ᄺഅȂ ௌཐ ڗڧ ଟᙽ ۡھ ᏢԤ ੨ኆ ܒ ݷ ਢ ߨٮ ல ޑ ᄘȂ ϚҢᐊЖȄ ΔΙૡ ݷ оЅӵҁ ۄ ၯ७ ٺ ҢਢȂ ᡐࠉᎈଟᙽ ۡھ ᏢПөȂ ٺ ٙᎈџо ᄱ ޟ ᡐϽПөȄ ȲϚ ٺ Ңଟᙽ ۡھ Ꮲਢȳ Ȳ ٺ Ңଟᙽ ۡھ Ꮲਢȳ ΰᚇ ΰᚇ...

Page 7: ... ॸֲਢȂᔖ ᡱ ޟ ഋ ᄇ ྥҳᡝԒ ள ޟ ညȄӰৼᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ࡣ Пᙚ ӠᓎีҡȄ ΔԊ၆ԊӒ ளȃԊӒဖளȃҳᡝԒ ள ਢȂ ᗗջֶ ڏڗ т ݍ ՙȄषԊ၆Ϛ ׇ Ӓ ޟ ၗȂԊӒள џ ᚬಳȄ ដ Δ ݧ ཎ ޟ ЙࡾȄ ΔԚΰ໖Ԛ ܹ ȁЙࡣȂ ጂᇯ ȁ ԤጂᄂԚΰȄ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ޟ ٺ Ң П ݲ ȲԊӒဖள ޟ ȳ Ȳᜰഖ໖Ԛ ܹ Йȳ Ȳ ଶࡣᎈྷٙᏢȳ ȲԊӒ ள ޟ ȳ ដ Δ ԊӒဖள ߝޟ ȂоԊӒဖ ளᇄ Ϟ џৠઽԙΡ4ହЙ ࡾᓞ ޟ ቶᚬ ᎌ Ȅ ґᆒ 3cmоΰ ґᆒ 3cmоΰ ܜ ܜ ԊӒဖளԚ ԊӒဖள Սᎌӫ ߝޟ Ȅ ԊӒ ள Սᎌӫ ߝޟ Ȅ Ȳ ܜ ᆧȳ Ȳܹᚬȳ Ȳ ܜ ᆧȳ Ȳܹᚬȳ ܜ ᕗ ܜ ដ Δ ԊӒ ள ߝޟ ȂоԊӒ ளᇄ Ϟ џৠઽԙΡ1ହЙ ࡾᓞ ޟ ቶᚬ ᎌ Ȅ ԊӒள ޟ П ݲ ശࡣ Δ ٷ ޟ ԙߝ پݷ...

Page 8: ...ڥ юਢȂ ԊӒ ள ည೩ܻۡή ࢲȄ ȲҬกԊ၆ ညȳ Δ ऎႆ ഋήП ޟ ளᏲЌȄ ΔԊӒ ள ޟ ညȂ ٷ оή2ࢲ ᐌȄ ឌ Ҁ ΰࢲ ήࢲ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ޟ ٺ Ң П ݲ ฒࢲԒُ ᐌᏢ ٺޟ ҢП ݲ ដ ฒࢲԒُ ᐌள Δ ׇ ӒআᎬᎬधЛኤ ޑޟ ᄘήȂ ϼ ଔᎬधȄ ɓ ӵ Ϛ ׇ ӒআᎬᎬधЛኤ ޑޟ ᄘήȂ ฒࢲԒُ ᐌள Ѿѡ ܜ Ȅ Ꭼधҳଔਢ ܹᚬԊӒ ளȄȞ ᎧP12ȟ ฒࢲԒُ ᐌᏢ ή ܜ Ȃӣਢ ා Ꭼध ࡣ ᎂȄ Ι ܜ ܜ ᕗȂΙ Ꭼध ࡣ ইȂ ᐌ Սᎌ ُޟ Ȅ ᐌԊӒ ளȃԊӒဖள ߝޟ Ȅ Ꭼधҁᎂਢ ឌ Δӵ ॸֲ ޑޟ ᄘήȂषौ ᎬधইήਢȂ ӑᚬ ԊӒ ளȄ Δ ාᎬधُ ᐌ ׇ ԙࡣȂ ᐌԊӒ ளȃԊӒဖள ߝޟ ȄԊӒ ளȃԊӒဖளႆᚬ ޟ ၗȂ ٺ ᛮΰԊӒளȂ ϫณџ મଔ پ ȂӰՄ ٺ ு ԤᄣဣϞဲȄ ݧ ཎ Δ ...

Page 9: ...П ݲ Ѿᐗ Ȃ ଶԊӒ ڙ ᚇȄ Δ ញЙ ٙᎬߖЙ ٙਢȂ ϼԝ ܖ ٙᡝȄৼӰџଢ଼ᜰ ഋ ֶ ڗ ЙࡾȃЙယȂ ܖ Ӱᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ኡ ᡝȂՄ ٺ Ԥ ڧ ϞဲȄ Δ ϼᡱࡆ ᐇհᔉ ڋ Й ٙȄӰৼഅԙᙚ ȃཎѴ ސٱ ȂՄԤ ڧ ϞဲȄ ωѣᔀ ΔӰఞѓ၆ ޟ ᜰ Ȃত ۖ ٺ Ңџ ԤϚܾԝ ޟ ݷ Ȅ १ፒᐇհ2ʂ3ԩȄ Δ ӑ ԊӒ ளȃԊӒဖளඨΣҳᡝԒ ளԚࡣȂӔԝ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙȄ ࠌৼԤ ٺ ҳᡝԒ ளԚક ཬϞဲȄ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙ ޟ ԝ П ݲ Ȳԝ Ϟࠉȳ Ȳ ଶԊӒ ڙ ᚇȳ Ȳԝ П ݲ ȳ ࢊΨܻЙ װ ϛѵഋ Ȃ Й װ ڙ ໖өΰᔆȄ ණ Й װ Ȃ ٙᡝ ࡣ ইȂٙᡝ ོՌଢ଼ԝ Ȅ ٙᡝҳଔȄ ᚇΰԊӒ ڙ ᚇȄ ដ Δषฒ ݲ о ЙᐇհਢȂ ҢѪΙହЙඪଔ ܹ Й ᠒Ȅ ٙᎈ ޟ ଟᙽ ۡھ ᏢᚇΰȄȞ ᎧP10ȟ ԊӒ ளȃԊӒဖளȂԚΣҳ...

Page 10: ... Й ৈȄ ᖁ ᇧ ࠢ ޟ ܶ ڣ П ݲ ᖁ ᇧ ࠢ ޟ ܶ ڣ П ݲ ᎍ ᕱ ڣܶޟ П ݲ Ԋ၆П ݲ ܶ ڣ П ݲ ۡھ Ԛ ௮Ԛ ԝଔᎍ ᕱȂ ٮ и ଶ ࡣП ޟ ୀຮȄ ٙᡝ ۡھޟ ڍ ԚȂ௮Ԛөΰሆ ܜ џȄȞѾѡȟ ყҰ ޟ њᄾ Ռ ޟ Пө ଢ଼Ȃ џ ڥ ήᎍ ᕱȄ ৰ ޟ ௮႙ऎႆᎍ ᕱ ޟ ௮႙ЌȂԚܻЙ װ ȄȞѾѡȟ ৰ ޟ ௮Ԛऎႆᎍ ᕱ ޟ ௮ԚЌȂԚܻЙ װ ȄȞѾѡȟ ᎍ ᕱࡣП ୀຮᘇ ٙᡝȄ ᎍ ᕱњᄾ ӫٙᡝ ޟ Ԋ၆ഋ ࡣȂᔆή ٮۡھ и ݧ ཎϚџњΣҀਟȄȞѾѡȟ ௮ԚЌ ௮႙Ќ ...

Page 11: ... ԛȄȞѿѢȟ ᙒழ ۢڿ ԛ ୁຯ ԛᕘ ԋӓ ழȃҴᡞԓ ழпІԋӓဗழ Սٚᡞϲ ڦ яȄ ৱ၈ ĩࡤ Ī ୁ ޠ ຯՍԛᕘ ڦ ίȄ ĩѿѢĪ ᖂ ᇨ ࠣ ޠ ܷ ڤ Р ݳ Ȳԋ၇Р ݳ ଜӪᐈձαख़ؐ Ѡȳ ැᖂᇨࠣ ڤܷޠ Р ݳ ġĩŎŢŨŪŤŢŭġłŪųġőŭŶŴġŔġħġŎŢŨŪŤŢŭġłŪųġőŭŶŴġŃŪŵŵŦĪ Δ Ͻᡲ ॹֳܼ ڦ ί ැᖂᇨࠣ ޠ К ٚαȄ Δ Ӓ ဋ ᝲޑ ȃᎎ ᕲܷ ࡤڤ ӕໍ ȄȞ ᎨőIJĸȟ Δसᖂᇨࠣሰ ఽࣀਣȂ Ӓ ڦ ίࡤӕࣀᅦ Δᖂᇨࠣ ࠣȄस ژ ખ ȃᔣ ܗ ᠱ ݸ ਣȂ ᇅ ࡤ ଡ଼ϜЗᖓᛯ ඳȄ ȁȞ Мрຳңȟ ġ ࡹ໗ԓ ܺ КȄ ġ ࡹίԛ ໗Ȃ ڤ ίԋӓ ழІဗழȄ ڦ яԋӓ ழȄġ ჭίР ޠ ڎ ᙒழ ۢڿ ԛȄȞѿѢȟ ܷ ڤ ᎎ ᕲਣȂϑ ۢڿ ԛᇅ௯ԛȄ ȞѿѢȟ ᙒழ ۢڿ ԛ ۢڿ ԛ ௯ԛ 上...

Page 12: ...Ңୁ ЩϒшϷᔢࡺЫӋࡣညܻഛళ ՌณහୁȄ Δ ϼᄇᘇߣӵٙᎈΰ ݫޟ πȃԸშ ညϞ Ϛ౩Ȅ ٺ ҢᕆЩϒ ࠢސ ᔢࡺୁ Ȅ Δٙᎈ ܻੑૉࠢȄ ٙᎈ ࠔޟ ᑑཬ௬Ο 5mmѾѡਢȂ өҏϴѧᆰওϛЖᖒᛮ ȄȞ ЛпາҢȟ Ȳᖳ ȃᖳൾ ޟ Ꮄȳ Δ ငலᔮࢥᖳ ȃᖳൾ Ԥᚬଢ଼Ȃ ี ౪ᚬଢ଼ਢ ᅾഀᚇᆧȄ Ȳࡸ໖Ԓ ܹ Й ޟ Ꮄȳ Δ ี౪ࡸ໖Ԓ ܹ ЙᇄٙѮ Ԥ ԸშਢȂ ٺ ҢୁЩϒᔢࡺȄ Ȳ ёዜྤ ݶ ȳ Δ ᎌਢӴӵџଢ଼ᜰ ഋ ݧ Σዜྤ ݶ Ȅ ٮ ٺ Ң ጲҢ ޟ ዜྤ ݶ Ȅ Δӵ ݶݧ ϞࠉȂ ӑўଶ ݫ πЅԸშȂ ٮ ЫϷᔢࡺୁ Ȅ Δ ݶݧ ਢȂ ӵؐএഋ ݧ Σ2ſ3ᅎѾѡȄ ɓषฒ ݲ ց ᠒ ٙᡝȂиฒ ݲ ցӱᙽ ଟᙽ ۡھ ᏢоЅٙᎈᇄٙᡝ ҡᖐ Ȃ ӵ ΰყȁȁጐᓞ ёѿ ዜྤ ݶ ȂӔ१ፒ ഖଢ଼հ2ʂ3ԩ џȄ ࡸ໖Ԓ ܹ Й Δषौ ᖁᇧࠢහᡂ...

Page 13: ...Ȅġ Ȳ ࡣ ۣٱ ȳ ɒᖒ ਢȂ ޣ ҏ ࠢယᆓϞࠢӪȃ ဴȃ ဴ Ȃоց ࡣ ౩հཾȄ ࠢӪȃ ဴȃ ဴ ᆰও ϛЖᖒ ПԒ ѮᢊདྷලΨњ ӋԤ३ϴѧȁᆰও ϛЖȁ ႫၗȈȞıĴȟķĶķIJijķIJ Ӵ ȈཱིԼᑪԼѕѿᆋᑹၯĹĹĶဴ ھ Рல Ꮄ ឈு ራ ȉଚওࠉӑጂᇯ ɒ ष ڥ оή ޟ П ࠓݲ ϫฒ ݲ ؚ ᚠਢȂ ᇄҏϴѧᆰওϛЖ ȄȞ ᎧP24ȟ Ȳ ٺ ҢΠЙࠢȳ Ȳ ٺ Ңϛี౪ ᚠਢȳ ٙᎈฒ ݲ ଟᙽਢ Ѿѡ ڍ ޟ ٙᎈଟᙽ ۡھ ᚇΙ ځ ଶȄȞ ᎧP10ȟ ٙᎈ ᙽޟ ଢ଼Ϛ ࣀਢ ӵٙᎈ ݧ Σዜྤ ݶ ȄȞ ᎧP21ȟ ࡣᎈྷٙᏢѶ ਢ ጂᇯࡣᎈྷٙᏢഋ ֶ ڗ ү ސ Ȅ Ꭼधฒ ݲ ޢ ਢ ӑ ܲᚔᔉ ڋ Й ٙȂณࡣ ܜ ଢ଼ฒࢲԒُ ளȄ Ȟ ᎧP14ȟ ԊӒ ளฒ ݲ ඨΣԊӒဖளਢ ጂᇯ ֶ ڗ ܖސ ԊӒளȄ ฒ ݲ ԝ ᔉ ڋ Й ٙਢ ӑ ׇ ...

Page 14: ...ŎņŎŐ ŎņŎŐ 25 26 ...

Page 15: ...product may not perform as indicated and will result in serious danger For ASEAN countries ONLY Maintenance 21 Troubleshooting 22 Storage 22 Disposal 22 Removing the Sunshade 17 Removing the Front Guard Cover 18 Removing the Seat Magical Air S 19 Removing the Seat Magical Air Plus S 20 Using the Sunshade 15 Using the Basket 15 How to Fold the Baby Stroller 16 Opening the Baby Stroller 9 Using the ...

Page 16: Caution marks are important items that when ignored can cause serious damage or injury Always follow these instructions Mark Meaning Warning Caution Item denoting where misuse may cause fatal or serious injury Item denoting where misuse may cause injury or damage the product The use of the product in such manner is forbidden Convenient tip for use of this product Forbidden mark Meaning Advice W...

Page 17: ...his product as a toy for your baby Ensure that your baby s fingers and toes will not be caught hen closing the front guard Use only when the handle lever lock is engaged There may be a risk of the baby stroller folding up causing the baby in the baby stroller to fall off or be sandwiched by the baby stroller There may be a risk of your baby s fingers or toes being caught in the movable parts or bu...

Page 18: ...t install baby seat boards on the baby stroller The baby stroller may become damaged as a result Do not place items weighing more than 5kg into the basket Guardians and helpers should not sit on the baby stroller Do not use the baby stroller as a trolley for things Do not use the baby stroller for purposes other than baby usage Do not use the baby stroller in a bus This product was not designed to...

Page 19: Please refer to this when filling in the warranty letter Name of Parts Magical Air Plus S Magical Air Plus Bitte Name of Parts Magical Air S Open close lock Stopper Rear wheel Basket Front wheel Armrest Front guard cover Front guard Step Castor lock lever Sunshade Sunshade mesh Shoulder belt hole Sunshade lever Seat Rear of the backrest Handle Handle lever Handle lever lock Waist belt Shoulder ...

Page 20: ...indicated Gently depress the handle and grip the handle to engage the lever on the underside to release the lock While holding on to the handle lift the back wheel slightly off the ground Pull the handle towards you to open Lock the handle lever Blue colour is indicated To use the basket remove the front fastener If it is difficult to open it with one hand use your other hand to hold the front gua...

Page 21: ...belt pull the waist belt to the left and right to confirm that is fastened properly Improperly fastened seat belt may become unfastened while in use causing your baby to fall and resulting in injury The shoulder belts should always be inserted into the waist belt during use Otherwise there may be a risk of the shoulder belt entangling around your baby s neck Even with seat belt fastened do not tak...

Page 22: ...pper position Lower position 18 36 months 6 18 months Advice Upper position Lower position Warming label How to Use the Baby Stroller How to Use the Baby Stroller Warning Shoulder belts position When taken out from the box they are set at the lower position Adjusting the height of the shoulder belts Release the shoulder and waist belts from the thigh buckle see page 9 Step Shoulder belt guideline ...

Page 23: ... s fingers and toes being caught in the movable parts or bumping into the baby stroller Do not allow a child to operate the baby stroller There may be a risk of the baby stroller falling over or injuries or other unforeseeable circumstances Insert the shoulder and waist belts into the thigh buckle before folding the baby stroller Otherwise there may be a risk of damage to the buckle Warning Cautio...

Page 24: ... Left and right Flick the sunshade bracket towards you to unfasten Left and right Open the front guard cover Press the inner and outer guard buttons to open Remove the front guard cover Mount the sunshade bracket on to the protruding plug Left and right Fasten the sunshade s hook hole through the hook on the side of the seat and to the hook on the side handle Fasten the snap button through the sid...

Page 25: belts crotch belts and waist belts from the seat area Belt hook Snap button Cover Hook Removing the Seat Magical Air Plus S Magical Air Plus Bitte To install the seat carry out the above steps in reverse order Remove the seat after removing the sunshade and basket See page 17 Warning Do not use the baby stroller with the seat removed There may be a risk of damage to the baby stroller or leading...

Page 26: care symbols when washing Do not machine wash Adhere to the following instructions Maintenance of the frame and wheels Do not leave mud dirt and debris on the frame and wheels Be sure to wipe them clean with a wringed moist towel Front guard insertion point The seat base cannot be removed Do not wash with a washboard When drying the fabric parts lay flat to dry under shade With use the dark co...
