RCR24SSA-6R Programming and Configuration
Frequency Setting (DIP Switch S2)
It is recommended that you do not change this setting unless needed.
In order for more than one system to operate in the same area, up to 16 different
frequency settings are available. Remove the lid from the case of the RCR24SS-
6R receiver. S2 is a 4 position dip switch which is near the edge of the board and
can be set to up to 16 unique patterns that correspond to 16 different frequency
settings. The pattern set in the receiver frequency switch has to match the
pattern set in the transmitter frequency switch, which is also a 4 position dip
switch exposed when the case is taken apart.
Bank Switch Setting
To allow 2ea RCR24SS-6R receivers to be used with 12 channel transmitters an
internal jumper setting is available. When the lid is removed from the case of the
RCR24SS-6R receiver, a jumper setting near relay K5 in the 6 channel receiver
is a 3 position header with a jumper installed. If the jumper is installed between
the center pin and the pin marked “A” then the 6 relays will respond to Buttons 1
thru 6. If the jumper is moved to between the center pin and the pin marked “B”
then the relays will respond to Buttons 7 thru 12.
Board Switch & Jumper Locations