Step 3
If you have any questions or comments, please call Applied Motion Products Customer Support:
(800) 525-1609, or visit us online at www.applied-motion.com.
404 Westridge Dr.
Watsonville, CA 95076
Tel: 800-525-1609
Fax: 831-761 -6544
Apply power to the drive.
Follow the configuration instructions in the
ST Configurator™
help screens.
ST Configurator™
software can be used to set up your drive to operate in
several different modes including: Pulse & Direction, Analog Velocity,
and SCL.
920-0020 C
STM23 Quick Setup Guide
Recommended RS-485 Adapter
USB-COMi-M (P/N 8500-003)
Available from Applied Motion Products
Converts RS-422 and RS-485 to USB
For four wire RS-485, set SW2 to OFF and SW1,3,4 to ON.
On the USB-COMi-M screw terminal connector:
Connect pin 1 to RX-
Connect pin 2 to RX+
Connect pin 3 to TX+
Connect pin 4 to TX-
Connect pin 6 to GND
The DB-9 connector is not used
2 3 4
4 Wire