Addendum 11/07/2008:
WildBlue has revised the signal modulation style for some of their spot
beams and plans to implement the changes to all of their spot beams within the next 6 months or
less. The change (implementation of downstream multi-rate technology) will result in the Super
Buddy meter not being able to obtain a LOCK or to display a signal quality value. The Super
Buddy meter continues to provide a signal level (dBm) on the new modulation type. The zip code
lookup table also remains accurate for tuning the meter to the correct frequency/beam number.
Summary: When using the Super Buddy meter to align the WildBlue antenna, the alignment
optimization will have to be accomplished using only the signal level measurement displayed on
the meter's left bar graph and dBm value below. You will not obtain a signal LOCK and your right
bar graph (signal quality) will not be active. Without obtaining the signal LOCK on your meter, a
positive ID of the satellite is not assured until confirmed with the modem. This means for the dish
alignment, more care must be taken to grossly align the azimuth (magnetic compass heading) of
the dish before peaking off of the meter's signal level and may require using a compass.
Modem Provisioning
After the dish is peaked using the Super Buddy, you should remove the Super Buddy and
connect the Wild Blue APA device. Set the APA device to the proper setting for your area, this is
shown on the Super Buddy zip code screen and is provided by Wild Blue on the work order.
Then connect the modem and allow the modem to find and lock onto the correct beam.
NOTE: You must have the APA device connected to ensure the modem will lock to the
correct signal.
Without the APA, it is possible that the modem will lock onto the wrong beam and never obtain
the necessary provisioning signals from the satellite.
Follow Wild Blue’s instructions for provisioning and final testing.
NOTE: The Blue Bunny Voltage Step Up cannot be used with the Super Buddy and Sat
Buddy line (Sat Buddy, Sat Buddy 2, and Dual Buddy) to power the WildBlue TRIAs
manufactured by Ko Space in Korea. This is due to the extremely high current level
For the Ko Space applications, use power from the WildBlue modem during dish
alignment. Refer to the section on page 2 of this application note titled “Without the Applied
Instruments Blue Bunny Voltage Converter Box” for detailed instructions.
The Blue Bunny Voltage Step Up can be used with the Super Buddy and Sat Buddy line (Sat
Buddy, Sat Buddy 2, and Dual Buddy) to power the more popular WildBlue TRIA manufactured
by UMA in Taiwan.
Please refer to the tag on the bottom of your TRIA to see if it’s compatible with the Blue Bunny
Voltage Step Up. If it says “Made in Taiwan by UMA”, then it is compatible. If it says “Made in
Korea by Ko Space”, then it is NOT compatible.
Applied Instruments will make changes as we learn of them and post them on our web site in our
Field Guide updates.
Applied Instruments, Inc. • 5230 Elmwood Ave. • Indianapolis, IN USA 46203 • T (317) 782-4331 •