Adding More Memory
M e m o r y I n c r e m e n t s
Your GS-RAM III can be expanded in 1Mb increments up
to 4Mb on the board. When you want to add more than
4Mb, you can attach the 2Mb ‘Piggyback” Expander for a
total of 6 M b . Call Æ sales at (214) 241-6060 for more
information about the Expander.
W h e r e t o G e t C h i p s
Selection of the proper memory chips for your GS-RAM
Ill can be a little tricky. There are several chip
manufacturers and many different types and specifications
of RAM chips available.
You may be able to find memory chips with the proper
specifications at some computer or electronics-parts
stores, But we recommend that you purchase them from
Applied Engineering. Applied Engineering receives bulk-
quantity discounts on purchases of memory chips and can
often offer them for less. Applied Engineering uses only
the highest-quality memory chips. When you get ready
for more memory, give Applied Engineering a call. You’ll
be assured of getting the right chips at the right price.
C h i p C h o i c e s
Your GS-RAM III can contain up to 4 Mb using 1 Mb x 4
(1 megabyte by four) ZIP DRAM chips. You need to use
120 nanosecond (-12) chips or faster. Memory on the card
is organized into four blocks, labeled on the card. Each
block consists of two memory chips. You must add these
chips in groups of two, filling the blocks in order, 1Mb
thru 4Mb.
Installing the Chips
There is nothing complicated about installing RAM chips
onto the memory expansion cards. Just follow these basic
Ch. 3 - Adding More Memory 9