The capillary-to-plate mapping for the default injection order is shown below. If you
change the injection order in the injection list, mapping differs from the examples
shown below.
We recommend that you inject one allelic ladder for each set of 24 samples in HID
• 8-capillary instruments—One allelic ladder per 3 injections
• 24-capillary instruments—One allelic ladder per 1 injection
Allelic ladders that are injected under the same conditions are recommended to
accurately genotype samples in the secondary analysis software (GeneMapper
Software v1.3 or later).
Variation in laboratory temperature can cause changes in fragment
migration speed that can, in turn, cause sizing variation. We recommend the
frequency of allelic ladder injections described above to account for normal variation
in fragment migration speed. However, during internal HID validation studies, verify
the required allelic ladder injection frequency to ensure accurate genotyping of all
samples in your laboratory environment.
Allelic ladder run
Chapter 3
Set up and run
Prepare and load sample plates
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1