A spectral calibration can share capillary information:
• Between injections – If a capillary in an injection does not meet the spectral
Quality Value and Condition Number limits shown on page 105, the software
automatically uses the information from that capillary in a different injection.
• Within an injection – If a capillary in an injection does not meet the spectral
Quality Value and Condition Number limits shown on page 105 and the Allow
Borrowing option is selected, the software can also use the information from a
capillary to the left or the right of that capillary, if the values are higher than those
for that capillary in a different injection.
Spectral calibration with Borrowing disabled
When Borrowing is disabled, all capillaries must pass (meet the spectral Quality Value
and Condition Number limits) for the calibration to pass.
Injection 1
• The software evaluates the Quality Value and Condition Number of
all capillaries.
• If all capillaries pass, the calibration is complete, and injections 2
and 3 are not performed.
• If any capillaries fail, injection 2 is performed.
Injection 2
• The software evaluates the Quality Value for each capillary across
injections 1 and 2 and uses the information from the capillary with
the highest Quality Value.
• If all capillaries now pass, the calibration is complete and injection
3 is not performed.
• If the same capillary fails in both injection 1 and 2, injection 3 is
Injection 3
• The software evaluates the Quality Value for each capillary across
injections 1, 2, and 3 and the information from the capillary with
the highest Quality Value.
• If all capillaries now pass, the calibration passes.
• If the same capillary fails in injection 1, 2, or 3, the calibration
Spectral calibration with Borrowing enabled
When Borrowing is enabled, all capillaries have to pass (meet the spectral Quality
Value and Condition Number limits) within the borrowing limits:
• 8-capillary instruments – One adjacent-capillary borrowing event allowed
• 24-capillary instruments – Up to three adjacent-capillary borrowing events
allowed (the number of allowed borrowing events can be decreased in
Chapter 6
Run calibrations and install checks
Run a spectral calibration
3500/3500xL Genetic Analyzer User Guide—Data Collection Software v3.1