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4.3 Technique
Like any skill, practice makes perfect. Never try to rush the spray finishing process. Learn the characteristics of the coating
you will be spraying. Build up layers of material (3-4 applications or more if necessary). Sand between coats and allow
proper drying time between applications.
Some rules for effective spray finishing:
1. Remember to always keep the distance between the spray gun and the surface the same when moving across your work,
(or up and down) called a “pass”. Do not rotate or turn your wrist from side to side.
See Chart E Below
2. Move the spray gun across your work from end to end.
3. Be sure to maintain the same speed of movement. This ensures an even application of coating.
4. At the end of a “pass” always release the trigger. To continue, spray in the opposite direction and overlap your previous
coat by 1/3 to 1/2.
5. When finished you should have an even wet coat on your work. If you have dry spots you have overlapped too wide. If you
have heavy or wet spots, you have overlapped too much or sprayed too slowly.
6. When spraying a large or pre-assembled piece, start at the top and work down.
7. Try to spray the hard to reach and underneath surfaces first.
Common sense and some forethought will prevent errors. Remember, that a light wet film will generally produce better
results than a heavy wet coat. When spraying a vertical surface it is advisable to apply a thin/light “tack” coat first, followed
by a normal light wet coat. This technique will help prevent “runs” and “sags”.
Chart E Spray Gun Technique
When using your Spray Gun you control five variables:
1. Fluid flow.
2. Distance of the spray gun from your work. 4”-8” (10-20cm) is average. Closer if necessary.
3. Pattern direction (vertical fan, horizontal fan and round).
4. Speed of application.
5. Fan pattern size. 7700 series with Fan Pattern Control Ring. 5000 series move the spray gun closer to or further away
from work piece.
NOTE: Items 1, 2, and 4 directly relate to each other.
Cleaning Your TrueHVLP™ Spray Gun
Refer to your spray gun manual for cleaning and maintenance of your spray gun model.