ank you for purchasing the Daybreak™ Duo from Apollo Health®, the Body Clock Experts™. Your
Daybreak is designed using Apollo’s exclusive TrueDawn™ technology, which accurately simulates
a summer sunrise just before you need to wake up. Your sleep cycle ends properly, and you awaken
refreshed and ready to start the day.
Visit now to:
Register your Daybreak
Learn more about your Daybreak and TrueDawn technology
Don’t have Internet access? Be sure to fi ll out your warranty card located inside the box and mail it to
Apollo Health.
Visit the FAQ section of this guide for tips that will help you get the most from your Daybreak.
Technology—A Better Way to Wake Up
For eons, our bodies have adapted to sunrise and sunset to know when to wake up and when to sleep. In
fact, a master body clock in the brain’s hypothalamus uses these signals to regulate our sleep/wake cycles.
When our sleep/wake cycles are working properly, we gradually fall asleep, and slowly wake up. However,
modern lifestyles force us to alter our sleep/wake cycles and we miss these important cues. We struggle to
wake up and our sleep suff ers.
Your body clock regulates this complicated process by cycling through diff erent hormones and signals
that induce sleep or wakefulness. Th
is cycle is a gradual process—which is why you can’t turn sleep off or
on. Alarm clocks disrupt this cycle, making it more diffi
cult to feel awake in the morning or sleep well at
night. Instead of allowing our bodies to cycle through the last stages of sleep to consciousness, our alarm
clocks abruptly jar us awake, interrupting the fi nal stages of sleep. Th
is causes a condition known as
sleep latency
and is why you struggle to get out of bed and get going. Sleep latency can last into the day
and hurts your ability to get a restful sleep at night.
Our bodies need signals like light and darkness to know when to be alert or when to go to sleep.
Gradually increasing light—like sunrise—draws us out of sleep like nature intended. Th
is scientifi c
process, called
sunrise simulation
, allows your sleep stages to completely cycle, so you awaken
refreshed—without sleep latency.