ALA29 Programming
September 29, 2010
Alerts and Status
Disp Source Addr ON
If it is selected, the message will show the address source at last.
Lowcell Alert Enable
If it is selected, the pager emits a, low battery cell alert when the battery
reaches a low cell state.
Beep and Vibration
If it is selected, beep and vibration will active together.
Rechargeable Bat. 2.4V
If it is selected, the battery voltage is 2.4V , If it's not selected, it will be 1.2V.
Battery Gauge Level-High
This value represents the battery voltage level necessary for the battery gauge
to display a full battery. If the battery voltage is higher or equal to this value,
the full battery gauge icon is displayed. Valid selections for 2.4V are: 2.54V,
2.50V, 2.48V, 2.46V, 2.43V, 2.40V, 2.38V, 2.35V, 2.30V and valid selections for
1.2V are: 1.58V, 1.53V, 1.48V, 1.43V, 1.39V, 1.35V, 1.29V, 1.23V, 1.19V,
1.14V, 1.09V, 1.05V, 1.00V. The High level must be greater than the Med level,
and the Med level Must be greater than the Low level. None of the levels can
be equal to each other.