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On this 


 rst page we will deal with connecting Big Ben to a Pro Tools HD rig without using a Sync I/O.

The next page deals with connecting with the Sync I/O.
1) Connect a 75 ohm BNC cable between the WC Out connections of Big Ben and the EXT In of each
audio interface. (as shown below)
2) Do NOT connect the LOOP Sync connections between the audio interfaces. To best take advantage of
Big Ben’s superior clock, each interface must be connected directly to a Big Ben word clock output.

Using Big Ben with Pro Tools (without a Sync I/O)

1) Determine the desired sample rate for
the entire HD system, and set Big Ben
to that Sample rate.
2) In Pro Tools software, Session>Setup>
Click on the “Clock Source” 


 eld, select



 rst audio interface, and set its clock

source to “Word Clock”
3) Repeat Step 2 for all audio interfaces.
Note that selections made for previous
interfaces will not be checked; this is
4) Verify on the front panel of each audio
interface that Sync Mode is set to EXT.

Send a separate W/C Out of
the Big Ben to the W/C In on
each interface. Once again,
Do NOT use Loop Sync!


