(d) The amplifier has failed to pass its automatic internal start-up test.
If conditions b, c, or d are encountered, the amplifier will latch in the Protect
mode until the power is cycled to force a reset. However, if the fault condi-
tion has not been repaired upon power-up, the amplifier will again enter into
the Protect mode.
) Overview
Despite their small size, the APL-220, -500, and -800 are powerful pieces of
equipment that can be utilized in an extremely wide range of applications.
They are highly effective when single units or pairs are deployed as a basic
PA system for live music, track playback, and the spoken word. And because
they are designed to be modules in a larger system, they can be arrayed with
additional units to form a large, concert-class system.
The three models array smoothly in both the vertical axis and the horizon-
tal axis. We call this
bi-planar arrayability
and it means that the frequency
response, phase response, and distortion characteristics are all preserved,
whether the system is built up of five enclosures or fifty.
An example of a typical array is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Using the
APL-220, -500,
and -800
One example of a typical array.