Now remove the steel floor plate cover.
Manually lift both carriages on each column about waist high. Let carriages down allowing them to set on the lift
safety lock stops. Make sure they are at the same height and on the safety lock stops.
Check to insure the cylinders are properly seated into the cylinder hole in the base plate. If they are, the round part
of the cylinder will be sitting down on the steel flat.
Take the equalizer cables. Using vise grips and a socket, tighten the cable nut half way down the threads.
Standing in front of the power unit main-side carriage notice the 4 holes in the top of the carriage.
Take the threaded end(end without nut) and run it up inside the carriage through the front hole on the right side of
the carriage. See figure 4 for cable routing.
Do not tighten cables at this time. Just start them on the treads.
Figure 3.