Assembly instructions
1. Find the right spot to mount the reader and the transponder. Both elements should be
located so that the distance between them is no longer than:
max 40 mm in air (plastic)
max 20mm on metal,
with the fuel filler flap closed.
2. Use the screws supplied in assembly kit to screw down the reader and the transponder. If
there is no possibility to screw down the transponder, it must be glued. Note that all glued
surfaces must be degreased.
3. Determine the spot where to put the power cord through into the vehicle's interior. Use
existing process holes in the car or make a hole to put the cord through.
4. Disassemble the trunk covering (sound insulation) from the fuel filler's side and mount the
housed electronics not further than the reader cord can reach.
5. Connect the cords to a terminal strip protruding from the metal electronics housing (no
specific cord colors or connecting order).
6. After mounting all elements and testing them for proper operation, put a seal on screws
that hold the transponder and the reader.
APLISENS S.A., 03-192 Warszawa, ul. Morelowa 7, tel. 22 814-07-77
fax. 22 814-07-78, www.aplisens.pl, e-mail: [email protected]