First, check for obstructions behind your
chosen speaker locations. Drill a small hole
in the center of the area you plan to cut out.
Take a piece of coat hanger wire and bend it
at a 90-degree angle — insert it into the small
hole and fi sh around to make sure no pipes,
studs, wires or other objects are hiding there.
A “stud-fi nder” also works well to locate in-
wall structures you’ll want to avoid — they can
be found at hardware stores. If you do fi nd an
You’ve decided where the speakers will go — it’s time to cut some holes in your wall!
Step 2. Cut the Holes
Fig. A
obstruction, you can easily patch the small
hole you drilled. Otherwise, continue with the
following steps.
Position the template at your chosen speaker
location and trace along the inside edge. Make
sure you keep this line at least an inch from
any stud or fi rebreak so that the speaker’s
mounting system has the room it needs.
Aperion Audio In-Wall and In-Ceiling Speakers (6-IC, 6-IW & 6-DT)
First, prepare the route of the wire. Depending
on your chosen strategy (from those above), this
may mean drilling holes, removing baseboards and
molding, and/or making channels in wallboard.
Next, run the wire. A “fi sh tape” can make it
much easier. Leave about two feet of extra wire to
make it easier to connect to your speaker.
NEVER use staples, nails or other metal objects
to secure the speaker wire. A short could affect
your system’s performance, even damage your
electronics. Special insulated staples are available
from your hardware store.
Note the markings on your wire that identifi es
each strand. You’ll need this info later to be sure
you connect the speakers properly.
The Intimus 6-DT speaker is a two-
channel stereo speaker. If installing this speaker in
your ceiling, you must run two runs of two conductor
wire or one run of four conductor wire. Contact
an Aperion Guru if you’d like more information
about this at 888.880.8992 or by emailing us at
Step 4. Run Speaker Wires