E-ITN 10
Installation and service manual
M2015/04b [EN] Value for the last billing period
Value for the last billing period is displayed as 3258 SM. Transfer of measured value for actual billing period
to value for the last billing period is performed, when new billing period is achieved in 00:00:00. Alphanumerical code
5 digit alphanumeric code comprises from numbers and letters mentioned from following set: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, A, b, c, d, E, F, h, i, J, L, n, o, P, r, t, u.
On LCD it is displayed e.g. A.0.i.h.t. Alphanumerical code is created when transfer of measured value for
actual billing period to measured value for last billing period is performed. If transfer of measured value was
never done before, . .-.-. . appears on the display (alphanumeric code value is not available).
Alphanumerical code is generated for every consumption value in last billing period and every code is
unique. Code is also different for every billing period even for the same allocator.
This can be useful if measured values are reported by tenant directly without entering billing company
employee. Further check of consumption values can be done with decoding software EITN-10. For more
information refer to Installation and service manual for decoding software EITN-10. Serial number (E-ITN 10.4x, 10.5x, 10.7x only)
Serial number is 8 digit figure and it is also labelled on the cover. Serial number is divided in two parts. E.g.
serial number „32000015” is displayed as figure -3200 and 0015-. Symbol „ - “ distinguish between first and
second part of the serial number. Temperature of the radiator sensor (E-ITN 10.4x, 10.5x, 10.7x only)
Temperature of the radiator sensor is displayed as 45.9°C with accuracy of one decimal place. Temperature of the surroundings sensor (E-ITN 10.4x, 10.5x, 10.7x only)
Temperature of the surroundings sensor is displayed as 26.7°C SM with accuracy of one decimal place..
One sensor allocator E-ITN 10.41 display --°C SM only . Date of the billing period beginning
Beginning of the billing period is displayed as u 1.2. (year versions) or as dF 15 (month versions). After the
date is reached, allocator transfers value for current billing period to value for last billing period and
alphanumeric code is generated at 00:00:00 .
Beginning of the year billing period can be set by manufacturer or with
Programming unit for changing
allocator parameters of E-ITN 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7
connected to PC or notebook to any required date. Current date
Current date is displayed as 3.12.. Calendar takes leap years into account. Current time (E-ITN 10.4x, 10.5x, 10.7x only)
Current time is displayed in 24 cycle, e.g. 8-56 (8:56 AM). Summer time is not distinguished. Display test (E-ITN 10.6 only)
During display test all segments are turned on
. The test is important when the measured values
are read visually. Average surroundings temperature for the last billing period (E-ITN 10.6 only)
Average surroundings temperature is displayed as 24.4°C SM with accuracy of one decimal place.
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