21. Direct speaker outputs : This is the direct amplifier output, available in 100V, 70V and low impedance.
For normal operation, leave the 100V wire bridge between ‘22’ and ‘23’ in place. The wire bridge
connects the internal amp’s output to the integrated volume control and speaker switching circuitry.
22. External paging amp in: connect the 100V output from an external 500 Watt max paging amp here.
This is usefull in situations where you want to separate certain zones from each other, e.g. some
zones will need music only, other zones will need paging and music. The external amp will take care
of the power amplification of the paging messages. The MA246 takes care of all switching and
signal processing.
You will wonder why the external amplifier can be more than 240 watts ? Suppose you have a lot of
speakers connected to zone 5 and 6, these are the 70 volts zones by default. When powered by the
internal MA246 amp, the load on the internal amplifier is only half of the power compared to the
power in 100 volt. When you switch these zones to the external paging amp, these silent zones will
become 100 volt zones, meaning that the external amp will see double the power compared to the
internal amplifier.
23. External paging amp pre out: the line level signal for the external paging amp is present on
this balanced euroblock.
24. Paging mode switch: When pushed in, you can use an external paging amp. The external amp takes
care of the paging messages. When not pushed in, all signals are amplified by the MA246 internal
amp only.
25. Power amp in – pre out: here you can connect an external signal processor, e.g. an equalizer. In all
other cases, leave the signal bridge in place or there will be no output from the power amplifier.
You can use a Y connector here to feed the line signal to an external device.
26. Aux 3 – aux 4 inputs: mono inputs aux 3 and aux 4.
27. Aux 2: aux 2 stereo input, stereo signals are internally mixed to mono.
28. Aux 1: aux 1 stereo input, stereo signals are internally mixed to mono.
29. Paging mic 1: input for mic 1 on balanced euroblock. Both mic and line levels are supported.
For operation with micpat 6, switch to line level operation with the mic/line selector switch, located
above the euroblock. This mic has priority level 2
30. mic/line 2 input, this mic has priority level 3, for details about the mic channel strip, see below.
31. mic/line 3 input, this mic has priority level 4, for details about the mic channel strip, see below.
32. mic/line 4 input, this mic has priority level 5, for details about the mic channel strip, see below.
33. GND screw.
Note: please do not remove the cover labeled ‘OPTIONAL MODULE SLOT’. This is meant for future
expansion modules not available at this moment.