IR remote control must make program (same as RF operation), while within effective range.
Receiver would come back the original state if there are not any operations within 10's.
Only total 20 IR or RF transmitter can be programmed with 1 receiver
The longest working time of motor is 5 minutes
Function Adjustment
Program setting
select delete channel before operation
Delete all codes on receiver
Power On receiver
Press the transmitter's
UP button
Program finished
When operate,the transmitter's LED1
work well ,and the receiver doesn't action
The transmitter's LED isn't bright or dark bright
The control system work well ,but the motor is out of working
Test/Solution/ probable cause
Have a check with the receiver's wiring
correct or not ,or the program setting is OK
Checking the motor's wiring correct or not ,
and the motor had damage or not
Check the battery power is Ok or not
(The battery install is OK or not )
press program button“sw4” once
signal light flash
operate within 10's
to next step
Power On receiver
Press program button“sw4”
for more than 4's
signal light
flash quickly
and loose up
signal light flash quickly
operate within 6's
to next step
press program button“sw4” once
signal light
flash stop
All code deleted
Delete single code on receiver
select delete channel before operation
Power On receiver
press program button“sw4” once
signal light flash
operate within 10's
to next step
press down button once
signal light
flash stop
signal light
flash stop
Single code deleted
7.Change direction
Power On receiver
press program button“sw4”once
signal light flash
operate within 10's
to next step
press stop button once
signal light
flash stop
Direction changed
Troubles handle
Press up key,motor run down, press down key,motor run up
set change direction on control or exchange the
up and down wire of motor