Selecting link in webpage
The selected link will be put in a blue box.
Touch it to open a webpage.
Touch and hold to open the Actions menu, Open, Open in new tab, Save link, Copy link URL
and Select text.
Selecting text in webpage
Touch and hold the text in webpage, the selected slider and menu option will display, slide the left and right slider to
select the text for easier copying or sharing.
Saving webpage
You can save webpage for offline reading. In browser interface, touch menu icon and touch “Save for off line reading”.
Finding text on a webpage
1. When browsing a webpage, touch the menu icon and touch “Find on Page”
2. Type the item to be found. After the content is typed, the shade of the text of the matches is highlighted in blue.
Touch “
” or “
” to skip forward or backward one match. Touch “Done” to finish finding.
7.2.5 Managing bookmarks
Bookmarks can be stored while browsing a webpage. In the browser interface, touch “Bookmark” icon to go to the
bookmarks management interface where there are three tabs: BOOKMARKS, HISTORY and SAVED PAGES.
Bookmarks management interface.
History webpage interface.
Show the list of saving webpage.
Adding bookmark