QC-7610Q Rev 1.0 Page 4
As with any piece of cash handling equipment security is paramount to ensure the theft of money,
tokens, credit card details etc does not occur.
Once a machine or component is delivered to a distributor or end user it is their responsibility to ensure
that the machine or component is kept secure at all times.
Opening the secure cabinet to perform cash clearance, refills, and routine maintenance may expose the
machine to security compromises. The distributor or end user must manage security issues using their
own documented security procedures.
Anztec accepts no responsibility for security compromises caused by lapses or deficiencies in
distributor or end user security procedures or controls.
While by no means a comprehensive list, the following are some suggested guidelines to help keep the
machine secure:
Track and Log
Location of the machine.
Who opened a machine, for what reason, and when.
Components removed from machine for repair or replacement.
Check exterior of the machine regularly for tampering.
Check for installations that are unsecured or substandard. This includes associated equipment
such as cables and network routers/modems.
Look regularly for non standard items fitted to the exterior such as card skimming devices.
Look regularly for non standard items fitted to the interior.
Have the machine within view of the attendant.
Make sure the machine is in a well illuminated area.
Use video surveillance to monitor the machine in unattended areas.
Ensure your employees are familiar with the operation of the machine.
Check your employees are suitably qualified and authorized for any cash handling and
maintenance work that is required.
Limit and monitor access to cabinet keys to reduce the chance of theft or tampering.
Monitor third parties who access the machine for any reason.
The fitting of machine components not directly supplied by Anztec may result in security being
compromised. Anztec accepts no responsibility if this situation occurs.