The user can do the following actions in browsing mode:
The jog changes the current frame displayed on the replay
channel backward or forward by a frame offset of 1 by default
The play button initiate a playback from the current frame
until the mark out point (by default the end of the bank)
Pressing play while already playing has no effect
The pause button initiate a pause of the playback. Pressing
play again will resume the playback from this position
The frame offset while shuttling (action of using the jog) is
set to 50 while pressed, reset to its old value when released
The frame offset while shuttling (action of using the jog) is
adjusted between 1 (lever down) and 50 (lever up) with an
increment of 1
Sets the Mark In point at the current frame
Sets the Mark Out point at the current frame
Sets the current frame to the Mark In point
Sets the current frame to the Mark Out point