Appendix A
Table of valid input frequencies in Gearboxing Mode
In Gearboxing Mode, the OCX-V always generates an output clock at the sample rate set
by the SAMPLE RATE knob, regardless of the incoming reference frequency. This output
clock is still phase-locked to the reference input, but the sample rates need not match.
For example, you may set the SAMPLE RATE knob at 48 kHz and apply a 44.1 kHz
reference. The device then "gearboxes" 44.1 kHz into 48 kHz output, as selected by the
SAMPLE RATE knob. This ability to lock to one sample rate and generate another is very
useful for sample rate conversions. Gearboxing Mode dramatically improves the sound
quality of sample rate conversions.
For Gearboxing to work, the incoming reference must be one of 63 recognized valid
frequencies. A valid frequency is i) one of the standard frequencies: 32, 44.1 48, 88.2, 96,
176.4, 196 kHz; ii) a standard frequency subjected to every possible combination of US
and Euro pull up/downs (
combinations are possible). See Appendix A for a complete table
of all valid frequencies.