2. Monitor Dim Level:
Selects the dim level that will be applied on the Main volume outs whenever the Dim button is
pressed on the front panel of the Eclipse 384 or the footswitch is pressed when on Dim mode.
Default Dim level is -10dB.
3. Bass Management Crossover:
Subwoofer LPF:
Select the cut-off frequency for the LFE output. (Frequencies higher than this
value will not be fed to your LFE out).
Monitor HPF:
Select a high pass filter for the monitors (Frequencies lower than this value will not
be fed to your monitor outs).
4. LFE Volume and Mute:
This fader adjusts the volume for the subwoofer. Clicking the ‘LFE Mute’ box mutes it.
5. Dual Clock Mode:
By checking this box, you enable both Clock A and Clock B to be used simultaneously.
6. Peak Meter Brightness:
This fader adjusts the brightness of the peak meter LEDs.
7. Footswitch function:
Select the function for the footswitch mode:
If selected the footswitch mutes all outputs.
If selected the footswitch dims all the outputs according to the selected level on the Monitor
Dim Level section.
If selected the footswitch enables talkback to the cue mix outs from the talkback device