Frequent maintenance
. All XT winches should be washed frequently,
to avoid the accumulation of salt. Use plenty of fresh water and clean
it on all visible surfaces. Ensure the cleaning of the drainage channels
placed at the bottom of the winch, to avoid water stagnation.
Complete maintenance
. With seasonal frequency XT winches should
be inspected visually inside.
Parts in need of maintenance
. The most relevant parts are those
subject to movement and rubbing. These are the roller bearings, the
gears and pawls, the stem and the inside of the drum. For the complete
maintenance of the winch, disassemble the winch in order to access
the relevant parts.
TFL 400 Antal Grease
. We recommend the use of Antal Grease, a
Teflon grease expecially made for lubrication of winches and protection
of aluminum parts in the marine environment (Mod. TFL400).
. Remove old lubricant. In order to do so use a soft bristle
brush and solvent (use diesel in case you do not have other solvents).
. It increases the performance and prolongs the life
of the winch. Also, it prevents the natural accumulation of salt to
obstruct the inner mechanism. Also, if you are using the TFL 400
Antal Grease, it also protects the aluminum parts from galvanic
corrosion, too.
Thus we advise to put a thin layer of TFL 400 Antal Grease; not only
to lubricate all moving parts, but also to protect the aluminum surfaces
in contact with s.steel parts, e.g. screws.
Kit Winch
. Antal provides a repair kit winch containing pawls and
springs (Mod. Kit Winch).
Important Concepts
All detailed information about Maintenance are
contained in the Installation and Maintenance Manual
of the XT Winches. To download the manuals, go on
internet at the winch page, or digit
5. Maintenance of the Winch
The complete maintenance includes
the opening of the winch,
the cleaning of the parts from old lubricants and the new lubrication
of all moving parts.
Installation and Maintenance