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G.FIT User Guide and Specification, Rev 2.0_Alpha.14
S (downloaded separately)
These are described in the following sections.
Example SoC application (demo_gfit)
Shows how to integrate the G.FIT library into an application. The demo implements a simple fitness
equipment console with three buttons: Start (button A), Stop (button B) and Disconnect HR (button C). The
demo shows how to initialize and configure G.FIT, trigger state transitions, and update data transmitted over
the ANT+ FE-C and BLE FTMS profiles. Paired HR values and control commands are output over Segger RTT.
The project file for the example application is located under apps \demo_gfit\armgcc. See section A.1 for
more details on compiling the demo.
Fitness equipment console simulator PC application
The fitness equipment console simulator PC application simulates a fitness equipment console that uses
G.FIT. See section Appendix B - Fitness equipment console simulator for more details.
Reference CIQ application
Garmin’s Connect IQ platform supports creating apps with custom ANT+ channels that can be used to
connect Garmin’s wearable and bike accessories with
G.FIT enabled fitness equipment. If the user has a
Connect IQ compatible Garmin watch/bike computer, they can track their workout and save that activity for
viewing on Garmin Connect over the ANT+ FE-C channel. See section 6.4 for more details.
Reference iOS application
iOS devices supporting BT v4.0 and above are compatible with G.FIT over a BLE connection using the FTMS
(Fitness Machine Service), HRS (Heart Rate Service), and DIS (Device Information Service). An iOS
Application (including source code) is available in the download package to provide an example for scanning,
pairing and connecting with a G.FIT enabled fitness equipment device.
S can be used to connect to one of the G.FIT ANT+ FE -C channels. See section 6.3 for more details.
S is available for download at
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