Assembly instructions for light module (PArt no. 3400-0069)
1. Parts required:
> Light Module (included)
> Dynamo Module (included)
> Two-wire light cables approx 50 cm (not included)
With the ANSMANN LM you can power a bike light directly from the Pedelec battery pack.
The bike light will use a negligible amount of power from the battery pack
Should the bike light’s battery run down; the light will still work with power generated from the Bicycle Dynamo (StVZO Licensed).
2. Assembly instructions:
1 Open the controller box and remove the controller. Connect the LM reverse-polarity protection 2-pin cable plug (red and white) to the
free slot on the controller (red-black).
2 Remove the cable of the front and rear lights from the dynamo
3 Connect the cable of the DM to the dynamo. (Black: positive connection, Black/White: earth connection)
4 Connect the cable to the rear light with the DM slot (Black: positive connection, Black/White: earth connection)
5 Use the two-wire cable to connect the DM and the LM.
6 Connect the Front light cable with the LM (Black: positive, Black/White: earth connection).
7 Put the LM back into the controller box with the cable. Secure the DM to the frame with cable ties.
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