, p. 2
(Formerly known as Union Switch & Signal)
Rev. 4-11
II Track Circuit PCBs
OS Track Circuit PCB
Descriptions (cont’d)
ack Circuit PCB (cont’d)
detection indications are typically fed to a channel of
the Vital Input PCB in the same MicroLok II cardfile. It
is not necessary to connect both receivers if it is not
required by the application. In many cases the
transmitter is connected at the heel block and the two
receivers provide independent train detection on the
interlocking through and turnout tracks.
The OS Track Circuit PCB is not equipped with a front
panel and operates independently from the MicroLok II
cardfile bus. Four jumper locations on the board are
used to set the OS track shunting voltage.
MicroTrax and ECode PCBs provide highly flexible
interface between the rails and the MicroLok CPU.
Both PCBs highly adaptable to various interlocking
and mainline applications.
Both PCBs equipped with detailed LED indications
for routine monitoring and diagnostics.
ECode front panel permits on-unit track circuit
OS Track Circuit PCB ideal for intra-interlocking
train detection, without vital relays.
MicroTrax TC PCB