2.4. General safety information
Non-compliance with the safety information listed below can lead to damage to the operator
or to the cash drawer.
• All persons using this product, all persons working in the area where this product is used
and all persons handling this product should be familiar with the content of this data sheet.
• The information and the written instructions shall be comprehensible to the workers
concerned. Ensure that all persons handling this product are informed about the storage
location of this data sheet. They must have access to the manual(s) at any time.
• The cash drawer should only be used for the purpose intended.
• Private use of the cash drawer, e.g. as a toy, is prohibited.
• The cash drawer should be checked at least once daily for any visible damage.
• Sensitize employees, in case of the product is not operating correctly, don't use the POS
furthermore and ask specialist staff (e.g. electrician).
• With visible defects or damages the product must not be used and must be taken out of
service immediately.
• All work on the equipment may only be performed by a qualified or trained person.
• Electrical equipment must be checked regularly according to the legal industrial safety terms.
• Correct connection to the main supply, function of ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
must be checked regularly.
• The power of the cash register is supplied via a cable with plug, which is connected with a
• A clearly identified mains disconnecting device must be installed closed to the cash register.
• Prohibit bypass of safety device. The cash drawer may be operated only with properly right
and functioning protective facilities.
• Connection only by specialist staff.
• Before connection examine live parts on damages.
• Remove loose connections and broken cables immediately. All types of works must be
carried out after the separation of the power supply. Cables may not be got caught or be
squeezed. Cables shall be securely fastened and positioned in such a way that they show
no trip traps or may be damaged. Works on the checkout desk may be carried out only by
qualified professional forces.
• At all works at the checkout desk the legal regulations are to be followed.
• Repair work should only be carried out by trained personnel.