Common Product Information
Document No. 992012. Issue 19 – 24.10.22 Page 25
Judith Waterlow
The mattress is rated as medium to high risk and suitable for the
majority of patients up to 23 hours. It is important to remain
aware of individual patient needs, and standard nursing practices
must always apply for patients immobile or at high risk of
pressure sores.
When fitting a new mattress to the stretcher the touch fastener on the
patient platform must also be replaced.
The mattress parts should be visually inspected for damage on a daily basis.
If the outer mattress fabric is torn, then fluids may penetrate and the
mattress should be replaced. Do not attempt to repair tears or splits with
self-adhesive tapes.
CAUTION: Ensure that the mattress is correctly orientated on the patient
platform with the touch fastener of the mattress aligning with the touch
fastener on the patient platform.
CAUTION: Ensure that the mattress is centrally positioned across the width of
the patient platform otherwise it may prevent the side rail from locking
when raised.
Fitting a Replacement Mattress Cover
Remove and discard the old mattress cover; take note of the foam orientation as you
remove the cover.
Inspect the foam for contamination to ensure it is fit for use.
CAUTION: If the foam is contaminated, it must be replaced.
Unzip and open out the replacement mattress cover.
Insert the foam into the replacement cover ensuring it is orientated correctly.
As you begin to pull the zip slider, draw together both sides of the zip to minimise
any strain on the mattress cover; be careful not to snag the mattress cover, or the
foam stockinet cover, in the zip slider.
CAUTION: If the above action is not observed both the mattress seams, and
the zip, will be overly stressed and could fail.
Continue to draw together both sides of the zip as you pull the zip slider, working
your way around the mattress in small sections.
When the cover is completely zipped up, manipulate the cover to sit evenly on the
foam, using the seams of the mattress cover as a reference.
Make sure the zip cover flap is folded down protecting the zip.
Cleaning and Disinfecting
It is recommended that only CE marked cleaning products are used in the cleaning of
the stretcher and the mattress. Cleaning and Disinfection should be carried out by hand
Clean the stretcher and mattress with warm water and neutral detergent and dry the
surfaces thoroughly using a soft cloth. Suitable disinfectants are: quaternary
ammonium compounds, isopropyl alcohol & chlorine bleach up to 1% (10,000 ppm).
Apply disinfectant by cloth, spray or disinfectant wipe. Following disinfection, wash off
all surfaces with clean warm water and dry thoroughly using a soft cloth. Clean all
touch fastener attachments periodically with a soft brush, neutral detergent and
suitable disinfectant as listed. The product will be adversely affected and its life
expectancy reduced if the above cautions are not observed.