9. Machine Maintenance
The 3D printer can run continuously for tens of hours or more. Some parts that work for a long time,
especially some parts that move continuously need to be maintained. Here are some instructions on how to
maintain the machine.
1. Maintenance of X, Y and Z guiding rods: When your machine is noisy and vibrates a little, you need to
clean the guiding rods and add some lubricating oil to clean the guiding rods, reduce friction and reduce
the wear between the linear bearing and the guiding rod. Take a clean cloth, drop some lubricating oil
and slide it back and forth on the slide bar.
2. Filament
is not easy to pull out the extrusion mechanism after melting at high temperature and
cooling, and can be poked through the outlet with small wire. Of course, we still suggest emptying the
residual printing material in the extruder as far as possible after the printing work is finished, which
is also the basic maintenance of the 3D printer.
3.Belt tightness: Belt tightness should be appropriate, otherwise the service life of the belt will be
affected. The belt is too tight and the radial force of motor shaft and pulley is too large, which
affects its service life. After the belt is installed, it can be judged whether the belt is too tight by
turning the pulley. When pulling the belt, if the belt makes a loud sound, it also indicates that the
belt is too tight. If the belt is too loose, it will cause transmission error and affect the printing
effect. Test whether the belt is too loose. You can rotate the synchronous wheel of the motor in the