Step 6:
Attach the two (cut to length) Long Churros
between the Inside Plates using four ¼-20 x 0.750”
thread forming screws (am-1591). A ½” wrench can be
used to hold the churro while tightening.
NOTE: Be careful not to overtighten these screws.
The gears should spin freely when the shaft is
rotated by hand.
Step 8:
Attach one Toughbox Mini to each Inside Plate
with four 10-32 x 0.75”SHCS (am-1047) and four 10-32
Nylock nuts (am-1042). The nuts will fit into the hex
pockets on the Toughbox Mini housing and will hold the
nut while tightening.
Step 7:
Place one Toughbox Mini onto each Inner
Plate ensuring the shafts are inserted into the
flanged side of the bearings, and using the plastic
studs to align the housing. The top flange of the
Inside Plate will be facing away from the gearbox.
Step 5:
Attach the other End Plate to the other end
of the Inside Plates.